Thursday, October 19, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Pregnancy Confirmed by Younes Bendjima?!

In the future, the time we are in now will be known as the Great Kardashian Fertile Period.

Well, it will either be known as that or just “the apocalypse,” we’ll have to see how things turn out.

Years from now, you’ll probably be telling your grandchildren where you were the moment you heard that Kylie Jenner was pregnant with her first baby, or what you were doing when you learned that Khloe Kardashian was pregnant, too.

It really is a wild time — Kylie and Khloe are pregnant, and Kim is expecting her third child via surrogate.

Kim has confirmed her big news, and Kylie and Khloe’s pregnancies have both been reported by reputable sources.

But if you’re willing to believe tabloid reports, there’s one more new baby on the way: Kourtney Kardashian is possibly pregnant, too!

Yep, according to both In Touch and Life & Style, Kourtney is currently pregnant with her fourth child — and her first with Younes Bendjima.

One source said that she wants six kids, something she’s said herself in the past, and she’s well on her way to completing her brood, thanks to Younes.

“She was absolutely thrilled to learn she was expecting,” another source claimed.

“She just loves being part of a large family and having so many siblings, and she wants the same for Penelope, Mason, and Reign.”

Before this latest pregnancy rumor, lots of people thought that Kourtney would go back to Scott Disick, if only for his sperm.

Which honestly wasn’t that far-fetched an idea — she really has made it clear that she wants more kids, and she knows that she and Scott make cute ones.

But now, she knows that “she needs a man who will be both present and sober and knows Younes will make a great father.”

So at least that’s settled!

Still, it’s important to remember that while all this speculation is fun, we don’t have any concrete evidence that Kourtney is actually pregnant at all.

The tabloids say a lot of things, you know? Just something is printed in a magazine or online doesn’t make it true.

But when something is put online by one of the people right in the thick of the rumors?

Well, that’s a little more substantial.

Earlier this week, Younes himself hopped on Instagram and made a post in his story that read “Sometimes you just gotta keep the good news to yourself.”

He added a poll, asking his followers “Do you feel me?” You could respond with either “Hell yeah” or “No I don’t.”

Younes didn’t elaborate on what he was talking about, which is a little disappointing, but he had to know what people would assume:

People would assume, obviously, that “the good news” he’s referring to here is a pregnancy announcement.

Is this a confirmation of the rumors? Not officially.

But it’s still pretty darn interesting …
