Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Derick Dillard Net Worth: Where Does Jill Duggar"s Husband Get His Money?

In recent months, Derick Dillard has distinguished himself from the growing horde of Duggar in-laws by expressing his controversial views on social media.

It’s a habit his famous in-laws probably wish he would break, but unfortunately for Jill Duggar and his parents, Derick seems to be enjoying all the attention.

Derick’s career as a Twitter firebrand began back in April when he launched a bizarre attack on Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen, who like Derick, is the star of a TLC reality series.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted.

Many wondered what would possess Derick to so viciously harangue a 16-year-old while simultaneously biting the hand that feeds him by angering TLC execs.

They got the answer a few days later when Derick launched a fundraiser in order to pay for his enrollment at in a Duggar-sponsored ministry program.

It wasn’t the first time Derick had openly begged for money from fans, and he was harshly criticized for launching his fundraiser the day after Hurricane Harvey hit Houston.

Just like the last time (when the Dillards requested funds for their unlicensed missionary work in El Salvador), Derick’s shameless cash-grab was quickly shut down by the fundraising site through which he chose to host it.

Derick’s apparent desperation for money has led fans to wonder how the 28-year-old earns a living.

The simple answer seems to be that he doesn’t, and Jill supports the family through her television earnings.

Aside from a brief stint as a substitute teached following the Dillards return to the States several months ago, Derick has not held down any sort of employment since he and Jill got married back in 2014.

He’s still asking for donations from fans, but now he’s doing it through he and Jill’s personal website, presumably in order to avoid another humiliating terms of service violation.

Visitors to the site are asked to sign up to donate a monthly sum of $ 15 to Jill and Derick, but nowhere does the couple specify how the money will be used.

Fans have expressed their confusion over the continued donation requests, as Jill and Derick don’t appear to be hard-up for cash.

Just this week, in fact, the couple traveled to Washington, D.C. for the Values Voter Summit, a gathering of evangelical conservatives  at which Donald Trump made an appearance earlier this week.

“Visited the US Supreme Court today! We almost made it inside to observe oral argument for a case, but we didn’t get there quite early enough,” Dillard captioned the above photo.

Speaking of Trump, Derick officially became the first member of the extended Duggar clan to openly support the president, with the photo below:

“Some pretty incredible merchandise at the White House gift shop everybody should checkout!” Derick captioned the image.

Many followers were quick to point out the irony of a father of two without a cent to his name (not counting, of course, his wife’s money) embracing a politician who made a name for himself by boasting about his wealth and whose tax and healthcare reform plans would transfer large sums of cash to the nation’s wealthiest individuals and corporations.

“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Christians are called hypocrites,” wrote one fan.

“Everything he says and does is not Christian like and we as Christians should be praying for his salvation. God says to clothe ourselves in compassion, kindness and love… Do you really think Trump has clothed himself like this?” commented another.

Despite his new found love for incendiary political debate, we’re guessing Derick will stay silent on this one.

He literally can’t afford to alienate any potential supporters.

Watch Counting On online for more from realitt TV’s most controversial family.
