Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Paris Jackson: Sideboob Tattoo Revealed in Tree-Hugging Pic!

Whether she’s using her modeling work to promote body positivity or just showing off her new tattoos, Paris Jackson isn’t shy about sharing topless pictures.

In her latest photo, the 19-year-old actress and model proves that she’s a tree-hugger by literally hugging a tree.

And, in her shirtless state, she’s giving her fans a look at a tattoo that, well, you don’t normally get to see. And that’s not the only pic from her topless adventures in the great outdoors.

Don’t let us give you the impression that Paris Jackson never wears clothes.

She totally does.

Just recently, she wore a shirt while outside and enjoying some flowers, though the neckline was enough to give a good view of her new chakra tattoo, which runs down her sternum.

She also works, as a model but also as an actress (her first feature film comes out next year!). She also goes places and is a real person.

But she, and clearly some friends and loved ones who spend time around her, is totally chill hanging out in modes of dress that Instagram and maybe some prudish folks would find scandalous.

Honestly, good for her. More people should be comfortable with appropriate, non-threatening nudity.

That doesn’t mean that folks like Harvey Weinstein can undress in front of coworkers, mind you.

Consensual, non-sexual, non-aggressive nudity can be a wholesome thing.

And it can give us a look at more of Paris’ many, many tattoos.

Paris captioned this photo with the numeral, 1, enclosed within a box.

Are we to get the impression that this is the first of what will eventually be a sequence of photos?

We just don’t know.

What we do know is that, one, this is a wholesome photo.

Actually hugging trees can be therapeutic for some people (no joke); sometimes pregnant folks who are past their due dates hug trees to create just a little more pressure in the hopes of inducing labor.

Two, Paris is giving fans a rare glimpse of her sideboob tattoo.

There aren’t a lot of ways of naturally hiding a nipple to show off a tattoo. You’d need to, what, cover up your nip nop with the hand from the other side of your body, all while having a friend photograph you in the awkward pose?

Or you can just hug a tree from the right angle.

We love that the actual tattoo is of a little alien dude. She’s such a treat.

But her adventures in the great outdoors weren’t done.

Paris Jackson captioned this photo:

“Use mamas mud to wash off da filthy makeup from werkk.”

Actresses and models generally wear a ton of makeup.

We can’t speak to the efficacy (or safety) of using wild mud to remove makeup, but we know that people have used mud and clay to treat their skin for ages.

But it’s certainly a natural remedy. No debating that.

In fact, in that tree-hugging photo, it kind of looks like Paris’ arms might have a little mud residue on them, right?

Also, we have no idea what — if anything — Paris was wearing under that wrap around her waist.

But that’s her business.

Paris has spent a lot of time topless in the desert, so it’s good to know that she’s also comfortable being a little less dressed in a less extreme environment.

For Paris, there’s always a strong spiritual element to her nudity that you don’t always get from the #FreeTheNipple folks.

It’s not just about being progressive or about gender equality or whatever — it’s about being natural and following her life path.

Good for her, you know?
