Sunday, October 22, 2017

CAUGHT! 19 Dumb Cheaters Who Outed Themselves Via Text

You should not cheat on your significant other.

However, IF you"re going to cheat on your significant other, you should heed the lessons learned (the hard way) by the following men and women, each of whom made the mistake of outing their own indiscretions via text message.

Talk about awkward!

See what we mean down below…

1. When Your Son Drives a Hard Bargain…

When your son drives a hard bargain

… and you must give in.

2. Also, My Kid May Find Out

Also my kid may find out

I think he just did.

3. Damn Autocorrect?

Damn autocorrect

Nope, damn you… straight to Hell!

4. And We’re Not Talking About a Cheese of the Month Club!

And were not talking about a cheese of the month club

At least we don’t think so.

5. Did I Say Boyfriend?

Did i say boyfriend

I meant best friend, who is definitely of the same gender.

6. Oh, Phew

Oh phew

Wait. That’s even worse.

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