Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Defends Harvey Weinstein: His Wife Should Stand By Him!

Since news broke of Harvey Weinstein being accused of sexual harassment, there have been a number of truly bad takes on it. Donna Karan blamed the victims, wondering if they were "asking for it" by … existing as women, or something.

Others have tried to politicize the scandal because of Weinstein"s history of being a political donor — which, like so many political attacks, is an absurd reach.

But the worst response of all to the myriad of accusations against Harvey Weinstein might have come from Lindsay Lohan. And we have the now-deleted video.

Oh no, Lindsay Lohan.

As we all know by now, Harvey Weinstein has has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment. From creepy propositions for which he promised to boost their careers to an alleged fondness for exposing himself to reluctant or downright unwilling women, the stories were gross.

And these allegations came on the heels of decades of rumors. It"s pretty clear that it was an open secret, but that he had too much power in Hollywood for people to move against him.

That"s almost as chilling as his alleged actions.

Then came the report that Harvey Weinstein raped at least three women. There are audio recordings of him coaxing one actress to sit and drink and watch him while he showered.

He"s been fired from his own company and condemned left and right, even by people who had once remained silent.

In the wake of this scandal, Georgina Chapman is leaving Harvey Weinstein after 10 years together. The couple has two young children, and Georgina Chapman says that she is putting her role as a mother first.

She also asks for privacy at this time, which makes a lot of sense. We can"t imagine how you"d try to explain what"s happening to a couple of young children.

This is, unfortunately, where Lindsay comes in.

In the now-deleted video that you"ll see below, Lindsay Lohan speaks in a voice that — and we don"t say this to be mean — is a little difficult to understand.

"Hi, I’m in Dubai….I feel very bad for Harvey Weinstein right now. I don’t think it’s right what’s going on."

You know what, as judgey as I am about anyone vacationing in Dubai (they have medieval laws; look at their cool buildings on the internet but don"t give them money), that pales in comparison for someone having actual human sympathy for Harvey Weinstein in light of all of the current news.

Lindsay puts up an angelic emoji with the name "Harvey," which is — in the context of what we"ve been hearing this week — enough to turn your stomach.

And her statements get worse:

"Georgina needs to take a stand and be there for her husband."

That"s right — somehow, Lindsay thinks that Georgina Chapman is doing the wrong thing by removing herself and her children from the presence of an accused sexual predator.

And then you start to realize why Lindsay appears to believe that Weinstein is innocent, as she states:

"He"s never harmed me or did anything to me. We"ve done several movies together. I think everyone needs to stop; I think it"s wrong. So stand up."

The old he-didn"t-do-it-to-me line isn"t exculpatory. Maybe he liked Lindsay as a person or maybe her career was already strong enough that he didn"t want to make a move. Or maybe she wasn"t his type.

If so, it sounds like Lindsay must believe that there"s some vast conspiracy against Harvey Weinstein for literally no good reason. Or maybe she hasn"t put that much thought into it.

As with Kanye West declaring "Bill Cosby innocent!" on Twitter, this looks like a case of someone"s judgment being impaired by paranoia … or something.

We guess that it"s no real surprise that she"s still supporting Weinstein.

Lindsay Lohan is a sweet girl, but she has a disturbing history of defending at least one other famous wealthy man who"s been accused of sexual assault by multiple women.

Actually, one in the past had even bragged about it in an infamous recording.

Lindsay Lohan has defended Trump, calling criticisms of him and his administration "bullying," so in that context, it isn"t a real surprise that she"d also defend Weinstein.

But it"s still sad. Lindsay might not be the out-of-control party girl that she was a decade ago, but she still seems so lost.

But we need to be fair to Lindsay Lohan.

Rose McGowan, one of Harvey Weinstein"s most relentless critics (she is a treasure, you guys) has tweeted, asking people to not be too harsh on Lindsay Lohan.

"Please go easy on Lindsay Lohan. Being a child actor turned sex symbol twists the brain in ways you can’t comprehend."

Rose makes a very fair point, there.

And we know that we said that Lindsay"s was the worst take on this situation, but Sebastian Gorka, accused member of a European Neo-Nazi organization and former White House advisor to Donald Trump, tweeted something even worse:

"THINK: If Weinstein had obeyed @VP Pence"s rules for meeting with the opposite sex, none of those poor women would ever have been abused."

He"s referring to Mike Pence"s much-lampooned unwillingness to be around women without his wife present, even at something like a working lunch. 

So this particular take, which suggests that Georgina Chapman is somehow responsible for her husband"s behavior because they were both individuals, is worse than Donna Karan"s initial statement or Lindsay Lohan"s or the two combined.

Sexual assault happens because a person is a predator. Not because he lacks a babysitter.

Anyway, take a look at Lindsay Lohan"s worrisome video for yourself:

Lindsay lohan defends harvey weinstein his wife should stand by