Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Paris Jackson Promotes Body Positivity with Topless Pic!

Contrary to what certain lyrics or very bitter bloggers might tell you, body-positivity isn’t exclusive to those who qualify as plus sized. People of all shapes and sizes can have insecurities.

Even gorgeous actresses who are also celebrities. Like, say, Paris Jackson.

And while Paris Jackson’s gone topless before, this time she’s doing it to discuss body image and being comfortable with your “flaws.”

Paris Jackson is many things.

She’s a celebrity, being Michael Jackson’s daughter.

She’s a deeply spiritual person, as her social media posts make abundantly clear.

She’s also an actress — her first feature film, Gringo, comes out in 2018!

She’s also a model and absolutely has the body type that you’d expect from that profession.

But just because someone is comfortable enough with their body to hang out topless in the deserts of the American southwest or share otherwise innocuous photos of themselves with their followers that don’t happen to feature a shirt … well, they can still be critical of their bodies.

Paris Jackson hinted at just that with this photo and the accompanying caption:

You might look at this and go: “Wow; she’s beautiful! … What flaw are we supposed to be seeing?”

For that, you need to look to her very assertive caption:

“comfortable in my rolls. f–k wit me.”

Now, any “rolls” that Paris might have would be hidden by her underwear, which appears to be the only article of clothing that she’s wearing.

And it’s pulled up conspicuously in a way that would hide any “rolls.”

But we should all remember that, just as people’s tummies look flatter when a person is laying flat on their back or tightening their abs, just about anyone is going to get some “rolls” when they lean forward while sitting.

Or even just while they sit.

Yes, even super skinny models. It’s part of having a human body.

Even though Paris Jackson is hiding this “flaw,” her bold caption and her willingness to discuss the subject are important.

Remember, many of her fans and followers are teenage girls who are a few years younger than she is. There is no time more full of insecurities for young women than adolescence.

Acknowledging that even she has skin rolls on her tummy when she’s sitting is important to help young women realize that their bodies are totally normal.

Plus size girls have role models, and that’s fantastic. But slender girls — and there are many of them — need to see realistic depictions of women with bodies like theirs.

Just as Paris Jackson flaunts her leg hair as a reminder that shaving isn’t mandatory and that hair is hair, she talks about her tummy and gives people realistic impressions of the human body.

Though nudity is just more comfortable than wearing clothing, Paris often has a purpose to her nudity.

Sometimes, she goes topless to show off a new tattoo and has to go to creative lengths to censor a photo enough to make it appropriate for Instagram.

Other times, well, it’s pretty clear that she was just cuddling with her dog while topless and decided to snap a carefully angled selfie.

But you know what? Paris is living her best life and using her platform to promote body positivity.

She really is such a treasure.
