Thursday, October 26, 2017

O.J. Simpson Wants the Goldman Family MURDERED, Former Cellmate Claims

As you’ve no doubt heard by now–the Juice is officially loose.

Yes, O.J. Simpson was released from prison earlier this month after serving nine years for his role in a … robbery.

And not surprisingly, there are some folks who are less than thrilled that the former Buffalo Bill and probable murderer is a free man.

(The jury’s still out on which of those chapters from O.J.’s past is the most shameful. Murder’s bad, but telling people you used to be a Bill isn’t gonna win you any friends, either.)

At 70, O.J. probably doesn’t present much of a threat to anyone, but that fact is likely cold comfort to the many who have run afoul of Simpson over the years.

Sources say Kris Jenner lives in fear of Simpson, having frequently expressed her belief that he was unfairly acquitted of double murder.

(Kris’ late ex-husband, Robert Kardashian, was a close friend of O.J.’s and an instrumental part of his defense team.)

But as concerned and outraged as Kris and her family might be, their negative feelings toward Simpson likely pales in copmparison to the anger and fear felt by the family of one of his alleged victims, Ron Goldman.

According to Radar Online, the Goldmans fear for their lives following a report that Simpson conspired to have them killed while he was behind bars.

“O.J. has a big problem with the Goldman family — and, at this point, I wouldn’t put anything past him,” Simpson’s former cellmate, Vernon Nelson, tells Radar Online.

Nelson adds that at one point, Simpson asked for his help in hiring a hitman to murder the Goldmans.

“I want you to help me kill the Goldmans,” Simpson reportedly told Nelson.

“Those motherf–kers have been a pain in my ass since the trial, and they jump at every chance to tear me down in the media! Do you know how much money I’ve lost because of them? I’m sick of it!”

It’s not clear why O.J. would expound on his motives like a colorful villain who just strapped James Bond to some sort of slow-moving murder device, but Nelson goes so far as to detail exactly how he would’ve been rewarded if he’d agreed to the plan.

Nelson says O.J. offered him $ 100,000, vowed to pay for a top-notch legal team to help Nelson fight for an earlier parole, and even offered to plug his books in TV interviews.

That last part is significant, as according to Radar, Nelson is “a prolific writer” with serious literary aspirations.

Which means, of course, that he would have motive to make up a salacious story in order to score some free publicity.

Mind you, we’re not saying Nelson is lying–but only because we’re not big on publicly disparaging convicted violent criminals.
