Thursday, October 26, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Are They Living With Her Parents?!

It’s been five months since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and the despite their youth, the couple has wasted no time in taking on all the responsibilities of adult life.

At 19, Joy-Anna is currently pregnant with her first child, and while she has yet to reveal any solid information about her due date, some fans believe she’ll be welcoming a little bundle of joy before the year is out.

(If you crunch the numbers on that prediction, you’ll see why the rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” have gained so much traction on social media.)

The official explanation is that Joy-Anna got pregnant on her honeymoon and learned she was knocked up shortly after she returned home.

Speaking of “home,” fans have recently taken an interest in the question of where exactly Joy-Anna and Austin are laying their heads these days.

If you’re a fan of Counting On, then you may remember that Austin flips houses for a living and has eagerly spoken of his desire to find the perfect home for his new family.

(In one of the series’ most random scenes, Austin was advised by his father to hold off on proposing to Joy until he’d flipped his fifth home because … that’s what Jesus would’ve done? We’re still not quite clear on the reasoning.)

Forsyth eventually decided that the perfect home didn’t exist–and thus, it was up to him to build it.

Yes, depending on who you ask, Austin and Joy-Anna’s dream home is either under construction or soon to be under construction.

Whatever the case, it’s a long way from being completed.

So where are Austin and Joy-Anna residing in the meantime?

Well, the most popular theory amongst fans seems to be that they’re living with her parents and several of her siblings at the storied Duggar compound.

What’s the big deal? you may be asking. She’s freakin’ 19 years old! The average Millennial lives with his parents until he’d 47, and that’s an absolute fact I just made up!

Here’s the thing, short-tempered hypothetical reader–we absolutely agree with you.

We firmly belueve there’s nothing wrong with a 19-year-old living at home for a while.

But by all accounts, the Duggars don’t share that belief–at least not in cases where said 19-year-old has already been married off.

The Duggars are almost as big on self-reliance and refusal of handouts as they are on the Bible and procreation.

Yes, it’s extremely ironic, considering they’ve famously begged for money from fans on numerous occasions, but the Duggars pride themselves on long hours and rugged individualism.

Which is probably why Joy-Anna’s continued residence at casa de Duggar is being treated like the family’s biggest secret.

Well, maybe like its fourth or fifth biggest secret.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
