Friday, October 20, 2017

David Blaine: Accused of Rape by Model Natasha Prince

London police are looking into a claim that David Blaine raped model Natasha Prince in 2004.

According to The Daily Beast, British authorities have asked the magician to fly to England in order to discuss this disturbing allegation.

Scotland Yard is not permitted to actually identify the individual under investigation – but confirmed that “officers from the Met’s Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command are investigating an allegation of rape,” saying in a statement:

“The allegation was reported to police on 17 November 2016 by a woman who alleged she was raped at an address in Chelsea in June or July 2004 when she was aged 21.

“There have been no arrests at this stage and enquiries continue.”

Price told The Daily Beast that she met Blaine at a nightclub about 13 years ago and that he invited her to his pal’s mansion for drinks the next day.

She says he then led her into the bedroom.

“He spun around quite quickly and said, ‘Kiss me.’ I did kiss him,” Price recounts, adding in detail:

“And then he said, ‘Finish your drink’ and took the glass from me and put it on the table, and that’s really the last thing I remember.

“At some point, I was on the bed, face-forward, and he was behind me. I think it woke me up a little bit, because I’d never had that [anal sex] done to me before.

“I remember moving around a lot. I was limp, and I was very floaty; I was in and out of a deep sleep.”

Blaine rose to fame as a street magician whose television specials featured him doing card tricks and levitating on the sidewalk for stunned pedestrians.

He has since upped the ante and become better known for his death-defying stunts.

On his most recent project, the 2016 TV program Beyond Magic, Blaine did a trick in which he fired a bullet into his mouth.

Price says she ran into the magician on three other occasions over the years after this alleged incident and that she quit modeling at 24 years old due to anxiety stemming from the assault.

She filed an official police report last November.

“You have to understand, my interpretation was that it was my fault,” she said of why she waited to go to the authorities.

“I didn’t think of it as rape. In my head, rape was being sober – pull her in a bush, pull down her pants and just ditch her…

“So I blamed myself. I did like him. I was interested in him. So I didn’t think about going to the police.”

In response to these allegations, attorney Marty Singer says Price invited Blaine to the art gallery at which she works when she saw him five years ago and adds:

“My client vehemently denies that he raped or sexually assaulted any woman, ever, and he specifically denies raping a woman in 2004.

“If, in fact, there is any police investigation, my client will fully cooperate because he has nothing to hide.”

We’ll update this story as more news breaks.
