Friday, October 20, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 Recap: Who Replaced Oliver as Green Arrow?!

Oliver Queen is officially hanging up his coat as the Green Arrow!

That much was confirmed on Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 after a damning picture of him as the vigilante was leaked to the media.

Naturally, Oliver took to city hall as Mayor to deny that he is associated with the Arrow. That was not enough to put the rumors to bed, so he then claimed that Bruce Wayne could be the person helping the mean streets of Star City. 

This confirmed that Batman does exist in the CW DC TV universe, but could we be meeting Bruce before long? It would be a little too soon what with Gotham going strong on Fox, but it’s still fun to have some superhero name-dropping thrown in for good measure.  

Oliver realized that he could kill two birds with one stone. William was struggling to connect with him because he felt like his father could disappear just as quickly as his mother did. 

“I am going to do everything in my power, forever, to make sure that you never end up alone in this world,” Oliver said to William.

“And I know that you think that that’s not up to me — and that’s a fair, smart point — [but] I think I’ve found a way so that maybe it can be.”

The shocking development involved Oliver asking Diggle to take on the coveted role, and he did so with great pride. This was a big thing for Oliver to ask, and the person he knew who could become a solid vigilante is Diggle. 

But, that’s also putting Diggle in the firing line, and he has a toddler to worry about. This is Arrow, so logic is generally thrown out the window for some shock value. 

We also found out that shrapnel from the blast on Lian Yu left him with a neurological condition. How long will he really be able to continue his crime-fighting ways?

This could be yet another instance that Curtis comes in handy because he’s actually a very smart man. 

In other events, Anatoly returned, and it became clear that his friendship with Oliver is well and truly over. Hey, that’s what happens when you go back on your word, Ollie!

Anatoly kidnapped a diplomat and held him for a $ 20 million ransom. This meant that SCPD’s rebuild was going to have to wait a little longer. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just move to a new office?


Felicity was ready to launch a new company, and that meant she needed Curtis to join forces with her because, in the world of technology, he’s the ying to her yang. 

Over to you!

What do you think of the show’s fresh new direction? How long will Diggle be the Green Arrow?

Sound off below!
