Tuesday, October 17, 2017

America Ferrera Details Sexual Assault as 9-Year Old

In light of the allegations surrounding Harvey Weinstein, more and more women are coming forward with their personal stories of sexual harassment and assault.

Take America Ferrera, for instance.

The veteran actress has opened up on Instagram about a horribly traumatic experience that befell her at the age of nine.

As part of the #MeToo movement – in which women across the Internet share their stories of sexual harassment or assault – the former Ugly Better star revealed that she was once attacked by a much older man.

She opened her social media entry by writing “Me Too,” acknowledging that can relate to the many other females who have been victimized in some way.

She then explained as follows:

“First time I can remember being sexually assaulted I was 9-years-old.

“I told no one and lived with the shame and guilt thinking all along that I, a 9-year-old child, was somehow responsible for the actions of a grown man.”

Making matters so much worse for the Superstore actress?

She had to then be around the perpetrator.

“I had to see this man on a daily basis for years to come,” the star continued.

“He would smile at me and wave, and I would hurry past him, my blood running cold, my guts carrying the burden of what only he & I knew — that he expected me to shut my mouth and smile back.”

america entry

Concluded Ferrera, sending a message to other members of her gender:

“Ladies, let’s break the silence to the next generation of girls won’t have to live with this bullsh-t.”

Also known for her role in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Ferrera has long been outspoken when it comes women’s rights.

In January, she spoke at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., telling People Magazine at the time that she planned to continue fighting for human rights after the march ended.

“I think it’s time for all of us to widen our perspective and widen our circle of what matters to us and what causes we take up,” she said.

“Really at the core of many causes is human dignity. And that is what we share in this fight to be seen and to be valued.”

Ferrera was inspired back then to speak out because Donald Trump was elected President.

This time, the unfortunate issue at play is the likely fact that Weinstein, the best known producer in Hollywood, harassed and raped multiple women over the years.

Stars such as Ashley Judd has spoken out against him of late and Weinstein has been fired from his studio, the Weinstein Company.

He’s also been kicked out of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences; and his wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman, has announced she’s leaving him.

Weinstein has claimed he’ll seek treatment for a sex addiction and hopes to earn a second chance in Hollywood.

The guy is a monster. 
