Thursday, November 23, 2017

THG Presents: The 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2017!

Happy Thanksgiving, from The Hollywood Gossip family to yours.

What would a quintessential, uniquely American holiday be without family, food, football and appreciation for the things we hold dearest?

Spencer Pratt is a Turkey

Nothing. So here at THG on this twenty-third day of November, the year Two Thousand Seventeen, we honor some impressive turkeys!

By that, we mean some of the celebrities we’ve had the honor, the pleasure, and the burden of covering here over the past 10.87 months.

Who strutted their stuff, gobbled up publicity, ruffled the most feathers and left us shaking our heads (or tail feathers) the most this year?

And which of these fowl players would we trot out as the recipient of the prestigious 11th Annual Spencer Pratt Thanksgiving Turkey Award!?

Without further ado, here are our Top 10 Turkeys of 2017 … we’re talking about some serious bird brains who need a pumpkin pie to the face.

10. Nick Viall. The fourth time was not the charm for the Bachelor Nation pass-around, though it was a feather in his cap, or something.

9. O.J. Simpson. After nine years in prison, The Juice is Loose. Hopefully the bird is the only thing that ends up dead at his home Thursday.

8. Usher. We don’t mean to infer things about folks, but when your name becomes synonymous with herpes? Not a good sign typically.

7. Justin Bieber. Still never ceases to amaze that the one-time baby-faced global teen heart throb morphed into the globe’s top douche.

6. Kris Jenner. How many of your kids do you have to force to procreate the sake of your bank account? Four out of six in one year?

5. Scott Disick. Admittedly, we used to worship the wild man and levity he brought to Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Now it’s just sad.

4. Farrah Abraham. Because nothing goes with turkey, potatoes and gravy on Thanksgiving than a nice Farrah Abraham Word Salad.

(Also, she began a second career as a cam girl.)

3. Derick Dillard. The new Duggar standard bearer for controversy, Jill’s husband went ahead and got plucked off the family reality show.

2. Donald J. Trump. It was challenging not to select last year’s top turkey again, but even he has been usurped for that honor this fall.

Sorry Donnie. You are still out of your element.

(Fun THG fact: As THG Turkey of 2012 and 2016, Mr. President is the only two-time winner of this prestigious award. But not quite three.)

Our #1 Turkey of the Year honor goes to …

Turkey Trump

1. Pretty Much Every Male in a Position of Power in Hollywood. It started with Harvey Weinstein, but it didn’t end there. 

In fact, it still feels like we’re just getting started here. The dominoes keep falling day after day after day. When will it stop?

If you really require an explanation, go and read any page of any site of the Internet. If you want more fallout, wait an hour.

When the mogul was exposed as a serial sexual harasser and abuser, it opened the floodgates and exposed an epidemic.

The #MeToo movement has become exactly that.

Tragic as it is that this behavior is so rampant, at least it’s no longer secret, and a long-overdue national debate is being had.
