Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jackson Roloff Turns 6 Months. And He"s Now Doing THIS!

Tori Roloff has shared an update on her son via Instagram that has fans of Little People, Big World asking one important question:


Does it not seem like just yesterday that Tori and Zach Roloff were awaiting their first child’s birth?

And like just last week that Tori and Zach were introducing Jackson Kyle to the world?

In actuality, the latter event took place six months ago, nearly to the day, as Tori just shared a photo of her infant in celebration of Jackson’s six-month birthday.

(He was born on May 10, 2017.)

“We officially have a kid who is half way to one year!” Roloff wrote to kick off a lengthy caption to the above photo.

To the precious and adorable above photo, we should write.

As Tori has done in the past on occasions such as this, the beloved TLC star went on to list a few of her son’s most recent milestones and accomplishments.

And she began with the one all new parents look forward to the most.

“Jackson is sleeping through the night,” Tori wrote excitedly, including with these incredible words the emoji of hands clapping.

What else can the Little People, Big World star pass along about her firstborn?

He survived his first pumpkin season and LOVED IT.

He was a pumpkin for Halloween!

He has cut his first tooth.

He can roll from his back to his stomach (if he wants to).

Also… still trying to regroup after daylight savings.

Tori concluded her post by writing “Love you Baby J! Keep growing!” and by adding:

“Ps. These little photo shoots are getting harder and harder.”

We’re pretty certain she means they are getting cuter and cuter… because just look at that hat on Jackson! Totes adorbs!

At some point in the fairly near future, we’ll be seeing Jackson and his parents on the small screen again.

TLC is yet to announced a return date for Little People, Big World, but Amy Roloff recently said the show would return in March at the latest.

We can’t wait.

We’re excited to see Jackson in action, moving all around and growing up before our eyes, while also getting a glimpse at the young life of his cousin, Ember Jean.

In the meantime, here’s a look at our favorite Roloff family photos:


Tori shared this emotional message not long after posting the above update:

After breastfeeding for the last 6 months we introduced solid food to Jackson tonight.

Although we’re still doin our thing it felt like the first time I have to let go of my baby a little. We worked so hard to get where we are with BFing and I’m proud of the two of us but it was a glimpse into baby J already becoming more independent.

Before i know it he’ll be in college right? It all goes by so quickly.

The other day I looked up the meaning of Jackson and it is this: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Are you kidding me? That’s exactly what I feel every time J looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

i never knew one person can make you love so much. He makes me love God more, and Zach more, and myself more.

i just pray this boy knows the love he exudes and that he shares it with the world always.
