Friday, November 3, 2017

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Reveal BIG Baby News!

If there’s one thing you can say about those Teen Mom ladies, it’s that they sure know how to get pregnant!

(Yes, that’s literally the entire reason why they’re famous, their ability to get pregnant, but bear with us here.)

Just this year alone, Chelsea Houska, Jenelle Evans, Briana DeJesus, and Kailyn Lowry have given birth to new precious little angels.

On top of that, we just learned that Amber Portwood is expecting her second child, too.

So that leaves Leah Messer, Maci Bookout, Farrah Abraham, and Catelynn Lowell — those are the only moms who haven’t experienced pregnancy in 2017.

Leah is single and really focused on living her best life right now, so we don’t imagine she’ll get in on this Teen Mom baby boom.

Maci has her hands full with three kids, including two babies born back to back, so she’s probably out.

Farrah is … well, she’s pretty busy at the moment with what kind of looks like a mental breakdown.

So that leaves Catelynn!

Catelynn, as we know, is married to Tyler Baltierra, and although she suffered from severe postpartum depression after giving birth to her daughter Nova nearly three years ago, it seems like she’s doing much better now.

In recent appearances she looks happier and healthier than she has in a long time, and it’s just been a delight to see.

But does that mean she could be ready to have another child soon?

According to some tweets Tyler made, heck yes it does!

“When can we expect a pregnancy announcement out of you guys?” a fan asked on Twitter, adding the hashtag “ur next.”

We told you the Teen Mom baby boom is a thing.

But obviously fans of the show are going to expect babies left and right, that’s just the nature of it all.

What’s really interesting is Tyler’s response.

“Hopefully SOON,” he wrote, along with a smiley face emoji and that one of the person with his hands on his face with his mouth open.

Because yes, it is a shocking bit of news.

Not only did Tyler reveal that he and Catelynn are trying for another baby — that’s what we’re taking the tweet to mean, anyway — he also made it clear that this time around, he’s hoping for a boy.

Another fan told him that she’s praying they have a son next, and he replied with “ME TOO!”

Tyler has been open about wanting a baby boy for a while now, which is fair enough — they already have a daughter, Nova, and the baby they placed for adoption when they were 16 was also a girl.

We just hope that if Catelynn does get pregnant and they do end up having a boy, they’ve reconsidered their taste in baby names — if Nova had been a boy, Tyler once said they’d have picked the name Slade.

Slade Baltierra.

Honestly though, it sounds like they’re ready to welcome another child, and if that’s the case, then best wishes to them.

After all, there are definitely worse pregnancy announcements that could be made in the Teen Mom universe right now.
