Monday, November 27, 2017

Tyler Baltierra: I Need Help, Too!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra just can’t catch a break, huh?

They’re both only 25 years old, and yet they’ve already been through more trauma than many people face in an entire lifetime.

Right now, they’re going through a rough patch — Catelynn is staying in a treatment center in Arizona to deal with her anxiety and depression.

Earlier this month, she announced via Twitter that she’d be checking into rehab, saying “Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment.”

Then, in an additional statement, she explained that “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself.”

“On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my beck to just running my car into an electric pole…’

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER,” she continued. “Thank god I am self aware… I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better.”

“Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time,” she finished.

After releasing that statement, she flew out to Arizona, accompanied by Tyler, and they got her checked into the treatment center.

Since then, things haven’t exactly been easy.

On Thanksgiving, Tyler shared a clip from the new season of Teen Mom OG and gushed about how beautiful Catelynn looked in it.

He also wrote that “It’s going to be a rough holiday without being able to kiss her & tell her how thankful I am for her, but we have a strong resilience crafted by our past, we got this!”

As you can see, he’s freely admitting that he’s having a hard time without Catelynn — but it sounds like things may be even worse than he’s letting on.

According to a source close to Catelynn and Tyler who spoke with Radar Online, things are so bad that Tyler is seeking out treatment of his own.

“Tyler seemed beside himself” when Catelynn left for rehab, the source reveals.

“He already has his next appointment for therapy scheduled. He’s super self aware so I know he’s going to be in therapy a lot.”

Right now, the source says that Catelynn’s mother, April, is babysitting their daughter frequently “so Tyler can have some time to focus on himself.”

“Their daughter will be OK and well taken care of,” the insider insists.

This person also says that “everything will be OK” between Catelynn and Tyler, too.

“He will help her get better and will let her know he isn’t going anywhere,” the source claims.

So that’s a lot of information, huh?

It sounds kind of vague — like Tyler could be seeking his own in-patient treatment, or like he’s just been setting up some appointments with a therapist.

Whatever he decides to do, it’s probably a good idea. Although he hasn’t seemed to struggle with depression as much as Catelynn has lately, he still has a history with the illness.

In one especially heartbreaking episode of Teen Mom OG, we learned that he tried to hang himself when he was just 12 years old — after the attempt, he said he had to walk around with rope burns on his neck for weeks.

Considering that, plus his troubled history with his father, all the heartache that came from placing their first child for adoption … 

Therapy could really do nothing but good for Tyler.

Here’s hoping for the best for this precious little family.
