Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tom Cruise Doesn"t Even Want to SEE Suri!

There is very little about Tom Cruise these days that isn’t perplexing. The weird Scientology stuff, the fact that he’s still cast in roles for guys half his age, what’s going on with his butt, and his unexplained estrangement from his daughter.

It looks like things between Tom Cruise and his young daughter are more serious than we’d realized.

According to one of Tom’s friends, who runs a fanpage for him, the aging actor doesn’t even want to see Suri.

It’s no secret that Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri in about 4 years.

It’s been reported that one person or another in the mix — sometimes Katie, sometimes Suri herself — hates the arrangement and agonizes over wishing that Tom Cruise would make contact with his daughter again.

But none of those claims have ever actually been substantiated.

We imagine that, whatever exactly is going on, Katie Holmes has explained it all to Suri and also made it clear that this is for the best.

It looks like Tom Cruise is taking an out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach to his estrangement …

… Because his friend, Maryanna Carter, who runs his fansite, is insisting that none of Tom’s fans post pictures of his daughter.

“I am going to ask that no-one post anything with Suri in the future!!”

Needless to say, this is super unusual. Especially for a celebrity whose child is still alive.

Maryanna goes on to explain why, and to tell fans how she will respond:

“She is no longer a part of his life!! If you do, I will erase it!!”

That sounds … really cold. Even for a guy sometimes characterized as a Scientology robot.

It doesn’t sound like Maryanna’s playing around about it, either.

“If you continue, I will have to remove you!! Thanks!!!”

That. Is. Bonkers.

Fans even asked for clarification.

New photos, they understood — maybe Tom Cruise finds it painful to see Suri living her life with Katie and without him.

But were old photos, of Tom with Suri, okay to post?

Evidently not.

“No photos!! His request,” Maryanna wrote.

We’re still trying to wrap our heads around this, because Maryanna doesn’t provide any reasoning beyond “she’s no longer in his life.”

A popular theory behind the Cruise situation is that, when it came time for a divorce, Tom and Katie made a deal.

Katie got Suri, probably because she’s her mom but also probably because she didn’t want her daughter raised by a creepy organization that has been characterized as a predatory business, as a cult, or as both.

What would Katie offer up in exchange? Probably not spilling secrets about Tom. Probably not badmouthing Tom or the Church of Scientology. And probably avoiding public dating for a good long while after their divorce.

Again, this is speculation. But it’s no surprise that Katie Holmes would sacrifice her public platform to secure a better childhood and future for her daughter.

Another theory, though, is that Tom Cruise had to cut ties with Suri because of Scientology doctrine.

Is it possible that Suri, though she’s only 11 years old, is considered a Suppressive Person by the Church?

See, the Church of Scientology regularly requires its members to cut ties with anyone who is critical of the Church.

But does Suri, at 11, qualify for such a “toxic” label? Or is she collateral damage, with Katie Holmes as the “SP” whom Tom must now avoid at all costs?

Quite frankly, we don’t know.

But for Tom Cruise’s friend to say that Tom is the one who insists that fans not even post photos of Suri … that’s quite a revelation.

We have so many questions. We wonder when we’ll ever know the answers. Perhaps when Suri turns 18?
