Friday, December 15, 2017

Amy Roloff: SLAMMED for Cozy Photos with Chris Marek!

Amy Roloff shared some lovely photos of Christmas parties with friends — and, of course, with boyfriend Chris Marek.

Some fans had some wonderful things to say. Unfortunately, others saw photos of holiday cheer and felt nothing but disdain for Amy and the relationship that brings her so much joy.

Why can’t people just let her be happy?

As always, Amy kept positive in her Facebook post in which she shared a series of pics from what sounds like a busy evening.

“I love this time of year – Christmas!”

Christmas is all but impossible to ignore, no matter where you go. (Anybody else still need to wrap presents?)

Like we said, Amy has been very, very busy:

“From Christmas party w/ friends and giving, to another charity event for a NICU for a local hospital in honor of a special young girl to Portland’s zoo lights to joining friends on their new floating home watching Portland’s Christmas Ships float by.”

That’s a lot of partying and also some very wholesome charity work.

“And still more Christmas days left.”

Gosh, with all of the events she’s been going to, you’d think that she’s sound less enthusiastic. But she keeps on going!

Though she doesn’t address Chris Marek directly, she does talk about how much she enjoys spending time with her friends.

“Love Giving Friends & being reminded all the time of our greatest gift of all – Jesus!”

She follows that with a heart emoji, a pine tree emoji, and then a wrapped present emoji.

“Still on my mind are those facing a hard time during this time of year more so as well.”

It’s so good to remember those who are less fortunate. Of course, Amy does more than remember them — she’s known for her charitable work.

Her message concludes:

“Let’s show them love. Continue Blessings to you all where ever you may be.”

Fan reactions were … mixed.

Somehow, Amy Roloff’s relationship with Chris Marek continues to be intensely controversial. Amy has had to stick it to haters in defense of her boyfriend too many times since the pair started dating.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t discouraged people from saying the most hateful things.

And, as you read these, keep in mind that they wrote these on Facebook, where their names are attached to their words.

“You need to dump Christ and find someone new.”

We are 100% certain that she meant “Chris,” and only accidentally wrote that very different message.

“I still don’t trust this guy!”

Well, fans don’t have to. Amy does, and that’s what matters.

“Watched your family for many years. Not happy with your actions. We have no idea what happened when the [cameras were] not on. You and your x need to look into what you are doing. Why the network keeps going into your broken life.”

That’s wild.

So, while some people seemed scandalized that Amy Roloff has a boyfriend or even that she got divorced in the first place, others were supportive:

“I wish you all the best Amy as you deserve to be happy and it shows. You have a wonderful family 2 adorable grand children, and your boyfriend Chris seems to make you smile and glow.”


“I watched it for years. Matt did not deserve Amy. I am glad she is happy. She has friends and she is enjoying life. I am glad she is standing her ground. Keep your eye on [Caryn]. She is out for what she can get. Merry Christmas Amy.”

Caryn Chandler is, of course, Matt Roloff’s new girlfriend. We don’t know this fan’s characterization of her is fair, but it’s refreshing to see some fans being nice to Amy, at least.
