Friday, December 22, 2017

Lamar Odom: CRUSHED, Hurt by Khloe Kardashian"s Pregnancy!

She waited until three months after the news broke, but Khloe Kardashian confirmed her pregnancyfinally. And she even showed off her baby bump.

Khloe is overjoyed. Tristan Thompson is overjoyed.

But Khloe’s ex, Lamar Odom, is having a very different reaction.

Before we talk about Lamar Odom’s response, we need to talk about how Khloe made her big announcement.

Because what Khloe had to say … is very, very relevant.

“My greatest dream realized!” Khloe wrote. “We are having a baby! I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along.”

She writes more about how she finds religious significance behind her pregnancy.

“He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient.”

But this is no immaculate conception, and Khloe talks happily about her baby daddy.

“I still at times can’t believe that our love created life! Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do!”

Tristan Thompson penned his own tribute to Khloe’s pregnancy, of course.

“Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!!”

She’s clearly very excited.

“You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

Khloe included this photo of her baby bump. Finally!

She also gives a shout-out to fans.

“Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes!”

And there’s acknowledgement that we’ve all known about Khloe’s pregnancy since September.

“I know we’ve been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately. To enjoy our first precious moments just us.”

That’s odd for such a public person, but … sure.

“Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one! But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!”

That’s a lot of happiness!

But you know who isn’t feeling the joy?

Lamar Odom.

HollywoodLife reports that Lamar Odom is wounded by Khloe’s wording.

Lamar is happy for Khloe but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt.”

Famously, Khloe and Lamar tried to get pregnant. Though … Khloe has suggested that she wasn’t trying in earnest, once she saw their relationship deteriorating.

“It’s heartbreaking for him that she’s having a baby with someone else.”

Which means that he still has feelings for her.

He‘s not over Khloe.”


“Their divorce is still a painful subject for him and one of his biggest regrets is that he wasn’t able to get her pregnant.”

Well, surely he should be happy that he didn’t get her pregnant, or they’d be putting a child through a divorce.

(Unless he believes that a baby would have fixed their relationship. It doesn’t work that way, folks)

“And now that she’s having someone else’s baby it’s a big reminder of how he failed.”

Failed in their relationship.

But also, in his mind, failed as a man.

You know how it’s been suggested that Lamar Odom is sterile?

Since Khloe is pregnant, apparently that rumor is picking up steam. And Lamar’s not loving it.

“People are giving him grief over it too, saying this proves all their fertility troubles were his fault; it’s humiliating.”

“And the things she said in her announcement only makes this worse.”

Certain phrases in particular.

“The stuff about how God’s timing was right all along might be true but it’s still a huge slap in the face to Lamar.”

Basically, she was saying that not only was her relationship with Lamar not meant to last, but divinely ordained to end.

He wishes she could have been more thoughtful about the words she chose.”

You know what?

As happy as Khloe is and as much as what she does with her uterus is absolutely not Lamar Odom’s business, that last bit sounds fair.

It never hurts to be thoughtful.

It can be so easy to get carried away, telling a joke or celebrating something in front of someone for whom it’s a sore subject.

Choose your words carefully for your audience, folks. It’s part of being a nice person.
