Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnant and Smiling in Duggar Christmas Photo!

Even though Joy-Anna Duggar is still being hidden away by her own family, the Duggars are at least willing to put Kendra Caldwell on display.

In fact, this is the first image of Kendra that we’ve seen since her pregnancy announcement.

As you’ll see for yourself, she’s positively glowing, folks. And fans are demanding to see more of her. …

As we learned earlier this month, Kendra Caldwell is pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby.

She’s believed to be approximately three months along at this point.

Which means that the two of them worked fast in terms of getting pregnant — getting pregnant only a couple of months after they tied the knot.

We might not approve of how Joseph proposed to Kendra (maybe the family put him up to it, but you do not propose at someone else’s wedding), but the Duggars seem to approve of how quickly they’re getting the baby-making underway.

Check out their photo!

Kendra really does look beautiful.

And though this candid moment of opening presents (which you can see scattered around everywhere) isn’t exactly a posed portrait, you can see how excited this couple is to become parents.

(Also, let’s be honest: they were probably just enjoying opening their gifts. Even if the Duggars can’t really give out good things like “worldly” blu ray sets or whatever, presents are presents)

We’re not the only ones who were struck by how good Kendra looks.

As we mentioned, a lot of fans commented about wanting to see more of Kendra.

“Kendra is definitely glowing pregnancy suits her … I love these two I wish they had their own show.”

Another wrote:

“They need their own spinoff!!!!”

Kendra and Joseph don’t have their own social media account (and when they do, it will almost inevitably be one of those creepy joint-marital-accounts), but hopefully the warm wishes got back to them.

Highlighting Kendra during her pregnancy does, very naturally, bring to mind that Joy-Anna is being all but cloistered at the moment.

Even for the Duggar family’s big Christmas photo, Joy-Anna Duggar’s baby bump was hidden by the way that they had her pose.

It’s long been suspected that Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth violated the Duggar family’s absurd courtship rules by having (gasp!) premarital sex, but Joy-Anna claims that she got pregnant on their honeymoon.

So perhaps the Duggars were hiding Joy-Anna’s “shamefully” large baby bump?

Of course, if the Duggars were planning on hidding shameful things, they wouldn’t have put infamous child-molester Josh Duggar on display the way that they did.

But most of the Duggar family is controversial in one way or another.

That’s part of what makes them, as a whole, so captivating to viewers.

But whatever we may think of the family itself, Kendra Caldwell — who has only just recently joined the Duggar clan — looks absolutely beautiful and we can’t wait to keep up with her pregnancy as it progresses.
