Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian to Younes Bendjima: Put a Baby Inside This!!

Kourtney Kardashian wants to have a fourth child. It seems that not even being the mother of three makes her immune to catching the same baby-bug as Kim, Khloe, and Kylie.

But is boytoy-turned-boyfriend Younes Bendjima up to the task? Does Kourtney really thing that he’s ready to become a parent?

We hope so — because it sounds like Scott Disick is totally over Kourtney … and in love with Sofia Richie.

We’ve heard more than once on Keeping Up With The Kardashians that Kourtney, who has three young children, wants to have yet another baby.

(We’ve asked this before, but which Kardashian was it who bought “art” that turned out to be an ancient fertility idol? That’s the only explanation)

And now we’re hearing about Kourtney’s specific plans for baby-making.

RadarOnline reports that Kourtney is, at least, going to wait her turn.

“Kourtney is going to wait until her sisters are all done having their babies to get pregnant.”

That’s courteous, at least. She won’t take their (already shared) spotlight, she can help out as an experienced mother, and Kris Jenner won’t have a fourth grandbaby over whom to obsess … for a while.

But with Scott Disick out of the picture, for multiple reasons, is Kourtney serious enough about Younes to make him a baby daddy?

“She talked about this with Younes and he is definitely down to try for a baby!”

Well, of course he’s happy to try for a baby. Ever since Kourtney and Younes met, they’ve been going through those motions.

But apparently he’s down for the fatherhood thing, too.

“He knows that if he gets Kourtney pregnant he will be set for life.”

Maybe this insider realized what they’d just said out loud, or maybe they just figured that they were unfair, because they followed up with:

“And he gets to have a kid!”

Nice save.

it sounds like it wasn’t that long ago that Kourtney would have balked at the idea of having a second baby daddy.

“Kourtney used to want to have all her kids with the same father and she was adamant about that.”

Oh, how the times have changed.

If anything, Scott Disick would be having a baby with Nicole Richie … which would probably be the sum of Lionel Richie’s worst fears.

Kourtney for sure doesn’t plan on letting him back into her “life” ever again. 

“But sister Kim’s surrogate experience caused her to start to think about it differently.”

Honestly, surrogacy is a great idea if you can afford it and find someone trustworthy. It can benefit literally everyone involved. Also, at Kourtney’s age (she’s 38), it’s almost vital to avoid major risks.

“And she has become more open to other ideas regarding how to have another kid.”

We take it that by “other ideas,” this insider means “Younes Bendjima’s penis.” In which case, yes, it sounds like she’s pretty open to it.

Kourtney and Younes vacation together, do couples costumes for Halloween, and have generally been having a blast.

But is Younes ready to be a real partner to Kourtney?

it sounds like Kourtney doesn’t think so — but it also sounds like she believes that he has a lot of potential.

Apparently, Kourtney has been looking into buying some property for Younes to open a restaurant of his own.

“Kourtney wants this guy to have a real business going instead of relying on just modeling.”

Modeling is enough of a career! Just look at Kendall! Though she’s also a reality star and is one of the top models in the world.

And maybe Kourtney

“The place will serve Algerian food and she plans to trot all the Kardashian clan in there to make it the hot new thing when it opens.”

That’s … not a bad plan, actually.

Normally, opening a restaurant is a notoriously risky venture. There are a lot of overhead costs, and so many ways for a restaurant to fail to stay afloat.

With the Kardashians, though, money is no object. And the power of their fame could easily transform a start-up restaurant into an overnight success.

(And, if all else fails, Kris might quietly keep such a place afloat, just so that a man who may become the father of her grandbaby isn’t publicly humiliated … which might also give her a nice degree of leverage)

I honestly don’t know much about Algerian food (though I’ve just learned that there are two places that serve Algerian food that are less than a mile from where I live), but with some hard work and a Kardashian boost, Younes could have a very successful restaurant.

Note that nobody’s saying that he’ll be the chef — as owner, he’ll get to delegate. And have plenty of time for Kourtney … and for, potentially, a newborn baby.

“Kourtney is going to wait until her sisters are all done having their babies to get pregnant”

“She talked about this with Younes and he is definitely down to try for a baby!”

“He knows that if he gets Kourtney pregnant he will be set for life.”

Maybe this insider realized what they’d just said out loud, or maybe they just figured that they were unfair, because they followed up with:

“And he gets to have a kid!”

“Kourtney used to want to have all her kids with the same father and she was adamant about that.”

Oh, how the times have changed.

If anything, Scott Disick would be having a baby with Nicole Richie … which would probably be the sum of Lionel Richie’s worst fears.

“But sister Kim’s surrogate experience caused her to start to think about it differently.”

“And she has become more open to other ideas regarding how to have another kid.”

“Kourtney wants this guy to have a real business going instead of relying on just modeling.”

Modeling is enough of a career! Just look at Kendall! Though she’s also a reality star and is one of the top models in the world.

And maybe Kourtney

“The place will serve Algerian food and she plans to trot all the Kardashian clan in there to make it the hot new thing when it opens”
