Thursday, December 28, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Going Broke? On Verge of Losing Kids?

According to a new report, Kate Gosselin is not enjoying a very merry Christmas.

And she may have an even worse new year.

The mother of eight (that’s still so very hard to believe… she’s a mother of EIGHT!) is allegedly suffering through some pretty severe financial hardships.

She somehow managed to convince TLC to air a new season of Kate Plus 8 this past year, but only three episodes aired over the summer.

Moreover, Gosselin does not have anywhere near the clout she once possessed.

Ratings haven’t been strong for that program for years now, meaning she couldn’t command a very high salary during recent negotiations.

Those three episodes didn’t yield Gosselin much in the way of revenue – and there are no plans, as far as we know, for any more to hit the air.

Don’t just take our word for these issues, however.

Their parents may suck, but these kids are adorable. We pray for their future.

This is what an insider recently told Life & Style:

“Kate no longer has the income she once had from the show. The money is running out fast …. Private school alone costs about $ 150,000 a year.”

Seriously, simply raising eight kids is a very expensive endeavor.

Many fans of the reality star likely aren’t even aware that Gosselin used to work as a nurse.

This has the potential to be a highly-paid occupation, but there’s one problem:

“She’s let her nursing license lapse,” the aforementioned source explains. “And she hasn’t been a nurse in so long anyway.

Not having enough money to afford basic needs for her kids is one thing; but Gosselin also now fears that her monetary situation will open the door to her actually losing her kids.

“That’s Kate’s biggest fear,” the unnamed insider alleges. “She dreads Jon will have more say and possibly even more custody which she’s fought nonstop to keep from him.”

Annoying ex-husband Jon is reportedly ready to pounce.

Said someone with knowledge of the circumstances to Hollywood Life in November:

“Jon’s one and only goal in life right now is getting more time with his kids. He’s doing everything he can to win their next custody battle.”

Indeed, things may soon get very explosive between the Gosselins.

It’s not as though they’re known for resolving disputes in an amicable and peaceful manner regardless of what’s at stake.

So you can imagine how ugly it may get when the future of their sons and daughters are up for legal debate.

Earlier this year, Jon took an IT job. He now has a steady flow of income.

Combined with Kate going in the opposite financial direction, the estranged former spouses may find themselves standing across from a judge at some point in the near future.

And, as previously reported, Jon will stop at nothing to crush his ex in court.

Buckle up, celebrity gossip fans.
