Monday, December 11, 2017

Jill Duggar: Slammed By Fans For Date Night Photos!

There was a time when Jill Duggar was arguably the least controversial of all the Duggars.

While her sisters engaged in subtle acts of defiance, such as wearing pants in defiance of the family dress code, Jill stuck to the “doting wife and devoted mother” role she’d been assigned at birth.

First, Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from TLC after making disparaging comments about fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Shortly thereafter, Jill revealed a facial piercing in an Instagram photo that drew a mixed reaction from fans.

Just days later, another controversy erupted over Jill’s “tattoo.”

The tatt was drawn on with temporary henna ink, but that fact did little to ameliorate the concerns of diehard Duggar obsessives who derided Jill as “worldly.”

But despite Jill’s alleged vanity and superficiality, its the actions of her husband that seem to worry fans the most.

Obviously, the bullying of a teenage girl didn’t exactly go over well, but that’s far from the only reason that fans are critical of Derick.

Long before he was axed from TLC, Derick got into the questionable habit of asking fans for money in the form of online “donations.”

He ramped up his efforts after finding himself unemployed, eventually getting banned from a number of fundraising sites for engaging in questionable practices.

The move outraged many fans, some of whom felt that Derick and Jill were taking advantage of fans and looking for ways to continue living lavishly without having to work.

So when Jill and Derick enjoy little luxuries that many young couples can’t afford, their social media followers are quick to call them out for living comfortably on ill-gotten funds.

Over the weekend Jill and Derick enjoyed a date night at a local restaurant, and many of their social media followers were quick to find fault with photos from the evening.

As you can see, the Dillards brought one of their two children with them, and commenters were quick to point out the relative weirdness of that decision.

But most focused on blasting Jill and Der

“Did y’all pay for that with your Go Fund Me money?” wrote one fan.

“These people supposedly from the show so why start a Go Fund Me page?” asked another.

Other commenters focused on the Duggars’ bigoted belief system:

“Are you sure you should be eating out? A homosexual may have made the sundae or own the restaurant,” remarked one follower.

Obviously, Jill and Derick aren’t hopping on private jets to snack on caviar in Paris, but when donations from hard-working fans make up a large chunk of your income, every expenditure is subject to intense scrutiny.

And the revelation that Derick is a bigoted bully surely has some folks wishing they could get their money back.

Unfortunately, something tells us the Dillards won’t be issuing refunds anytime soon.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial couple.
