Thursday, December 21, 2017

Danny Masterson Accused of "Repeated" Rape by Ex-Girlfriend

Danny Masterson is facing anohter accusation of sexual assault.

And this one comes from an ex-girlfriend.

The former That 70s Show actor, who was recently fired from The Ranch in the wake of other sexual assault allegations, has been accused of unwanted sexual advances against Bobette Riales.

More than that, even, he’s been accused of unwanted sexual actions.

Tweeted the actress last night:

“I stayed quiet long enough. Danny Masterson repeatedly raped me. All I seek is justice and to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else as it has for some time. My truth will be heard.”

Riales then tagged Chrissie Carnell Bixler, one of the first women to come forward with rape allegations against Masterson, concluding as follows:

“I applaud her strength as well. @ChrissieBixler #metoo #sisters.”

Bixler was the first of four women (now five) to level this sort of charge against Masterson.

She told The Daily Beast last November that she even reported the alleged rape to The Church of Scientology, but that organization brushed her off.

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office have been conducting an investigation into these allegations for just under a year now.

Netflix had been facing mounting pressure to axe Masterson from The Ranch for months prior to finally taking this action a couple weeks ago.

The first four allegations against Masterson stem from incidents in the early 2000s.

At least three of the accusers, like Masterson, were Scientologists, according to The Huffington Post

In response to charges that it has helped cover up the actor’s supposed crimes, that religion has released the following statement:

“The Church adamantly denies that it ever ignores any allegations of criminal behavior, especially at the expense of alleged victims.

“What is being stated is utterly untrue. This has nothing to do with religion. This story is being manipulated to push a bigoted agenda.

“The Church follows all laws and cooperates with law enforcement. Any statement or implication to the contrary is false.”

Bixler, meanwhile, responded to Riales coming forward by Tweeting:

“You are amazing. I’m so proud of you. He will never do this to another human being ever again.

“He’s a thief in the night, but he overlooked some incredibly valuable things we still possess. Our voice.”

Neither Masterson nor a rep of the star’s has responded to this latest charge.

He has vehemently denied all previous allegations, however.

Here is what Masterson said upon being let go from The Ranch:

I am obviously very disappointed in Netflix’s decision to write my character off of The Ranch.

From day one, I have denied the outrageous allegations against me. Law enforcement investigated these claims more than 15 years ago and determined them to be without merit.

I have never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one. In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused. I understand and look forward to clearing my name once and for all.

In the meantime, I want to express my gratitude to the cast and crew that I’ve worked so closely with over the past three seasons. I wish them nothing but success.

I am also so thankful to the fans that have supported me and continue to do so.

As you can see below, Masterson is just one of MANY male celebrities to have recently been accused of sexual harassment, misconduct or much worse:
