Showing posts with label Masterson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Masterson. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Danny Masterson Accused of "Repeated" Rape by Ex-Girlfriend

Danny Masterson is facing anohter accusation of sexual assault.

And this one comes from an ex-girlfriend.

The former That 70s Show actor, who was recently fired from The Ranch in the wake of other sexual assault allegations, has been accused of unwanted sexual advances against Bobette Riales.

More than that, even, he’s been accused of unwanted sexual actions.

Tweeted the actress last night:

“I stayed quiet long enough. Danny Masterson repeatedly raped me. All I seek is justice and to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else as it has for some time. My truth will be heard.”

Riales then tagged Chrissie Carnell Bixler, one of the first women to come forward with rape allegations against Masterson, concluding as follows:

“I applaud her strength as well. @ChrissieBixler #metoo #sisters.”

Bixler was the first of four women (now five) to level this sort of charge against Masterson.

She told The Daily Beast last November that she even reported the alleged rape to The Church of Scientology, but that organization brushed her off.

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office have been conducting an investigation into these allegations for just under a year now.

Netflix had been facing mounting pressure to axe Masterson from The Ranch for months prior to finally taking this action a couple weeks ago.

The first four allegations against Masterson stem from incidents in the early 2000s.

At least three of the accusers, like Masterson, were Scientologists, according to The Huffington Post

In response to charges that it has helped cover up the actor’s supposed crimes, that religion has released the following statement:

“The Church adamantly denies that it ever ignores any allegations of criminal behavior, especially at the expense of alleged victims.

“What is being stated is utterly untrue. This has nothing to do with religion. This story is being manipulated to push a bigoted agenda.

“The Church follows all laws and cooperates with law enforcement. Any statement or implication to the contrary is false.”

Bixler, meanwhile, responded to Riales coming forward by Tweeting:

“You are amazing. I’m so proud of you. He will never do this to another human being ever again.

“He’s a thief in the night, but he overlooked some incredibly valuable things we still possess. Our voice.”

Neither Masterson nor a rep of the star’s has responded to this latest charge.

He has vehemently denied all previous allegations, however.

Here is what Masterson said upon being let go from The Ranch:

I am obviously very disappointed in Netflix’s decision to write my character off of The Ranch.

From day one, I have denied the outrageous allegations against me. Law enforcement investigated these claims more than 15 years ago and determined them to be without merit.

I have never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one. In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused. I understand and look forward to clearing my name once and for all.

In the meantime, I want to express my gratitude to the cast and crew that I’ve worked so closely with over the past three seasons. I wish them nothing but success.

I am also so thankful to the fans that have supported me and continue to do so.

As you can see below, Masterson is just one of MANY male celebrities to have recently been accused of sexual harassment, misconduct or much worse:


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Danny Masterson: Fired by Netflix Amidst Rape Allegations

Netflix has severed all ties with Danny Masterson.

Amidst allegations, by three women, that the actor committed rape, the streaming company has finally decided to let Masterson go.

His character will be written off The Ranch.

“As a result of ongoing discussions, Netflix and the producers have written Danny Masterson out of The Ranch,” a Netflix spokesperson said on Tuesday morning, adding:

“Yesterday was his last day on the show, and production will resume in early 2018 without him.”

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office have been conducting an investigation into the aforementioned allegations of rape for just under a year now.

There’s been growing pressure on Netflix to make this move ever since news broke of the scandal. 

Why did it finally do so now?

According to The Huffington Post, a Netflix executive mentioned to the mother of a girl on his daughter’s soccer team on Sunday that he did NOT believe Masterson’s accusers.

As it turned out… this mother actually was one of Masterson’s accusers.

Fast forward 48 hours – after Netflix confirmed its director of global kids content had made this “careless” and “uninformed” remark – and Netflix made the decision to part ways with the actor.

Masterson, meanwhile, maintains his innocence.

In a statement released through his lawyer, the star says the following:

I am obviously very disappointed in Netflix’s decision to write my character off of The Ranch.

From day one, I have denied the outrageous allegations against me. I have never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one.

In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused.

I understand and look forward to clearing my name once and for all.

People Magazine first published a story about the allegations surrounding Masterson in March.

According to this disturbing report, all three of Masterson’s alleged victims were members of the Church of Scientology.

They claim the sexual assaults took place in the early 2000s, yet they were pressured by church leaders to remain silent.

However, Leah Remini told The Underground Bunker that her documentary about Scientology prompted one of the women to come forward with her story.

This woman, along with a second accuser, claim Masterson had sex with them while they were either asleep or passed out.

One of the women who has charged Masterson with rape was his girlfriend at the time, prompting Masterson’s attorney to say the following in March:

“The alleged incident occurred in the middle of their 6 year relationship, after which she continued to be his longtime girlfriend.

“When Danny ended the relationship she continued to pursue him …

“In fact, we are informed by the Church that the only demand [redacted] made of the Church after Danny broke up with her was asking for their help to intervene so the breakup would not be permanent.”

For the record, Masterson will be featured in new episodes of The Ranch when they hit Netflix on December 15.

He will appear in a few installments that have already been filmed for the next season, as well, because they were shot prior to his firing.

Authorities will continue to look into the serious allegations made against him dauring this time.


Danny Masterson Ousted from Nexflix show, "The Ranch," Actor Denies Rape Claims

Actor Danny Masterson has been booted from “The Ranch,” Netflix just announced, because of multiple rape allegations, but the actor vehemently denies the claims. Netflix says his last day of filming was Monday.  Four women claim Masterson raped…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Danny Masterson: That 70s Show Star Accused of Rape

Actor Danny Masterson is best known for his role as Hyde on the early 2000s sitcom That ’70s Show.

In the years since the show ended its eight season run on Fox, however, Masterson’s career has faltered, and these days, he’s known in Hollywood circles primarily for his fanatical devotion to the Church of Scientology.

Now, several media outlets are reporting that Masterson is being investigated for rape by the LAPD.

“The Los Angeles Police Department Robbery Homicide Division, Sexual Assault Section, is conducting an investigation involving the actor Danny Masterson,” the department said in a statement released moments ago.

“Three women have come forward and disclosed that they were sexually assaulted by Masterson during the early 2000s.”

The Church of Scientology has declined to comment, but a rep for Masterson has dismissed one of the charges in a statement issued to the press today:

“The alleged incident occurred in the middle of their 6 year relationship, after which she continued to be his longtime girlfriend,” says the rep.

Of course, the fact that they were dating is immaterial, especially in the context of a relationship in which both parties are active Scientologists.

For starters, rape can and often does take place within the confines of a romantic relationship.

Additionally, former Scientologists have testified that while they were members of the cult, they were forbidden to report crimes by other Scientologists.

Materson’s team goes on to blame the accusations on actress Leah Remini, who was herself a Scientologist until 2013, and who has devoted her life to exposing the organization’s allegedly criminal practices in the years since.

“We are aware of [redacted]’s 16-year-old allegations,” reads the statement from Masterson’s reps.

“It was only after [redacted] was in contact with Leah Remini that she made allegations of sexual assault by Mr. Masterson.

“The alleged incident occurred in the middle of their 6-year relationship, after which she continued to be his longtime girlfriend.”

The statement goes on to claim that the accuser asked Scientologist officials to help her win Masterson back after their relationship ended:

“When Danny ended the relationship she continued to pursue him, even making threats to beat up his current wife Bijou Phillips unless she left him,” Masterson’s reps claim. 

“In fact, we are informed by the Church that the only demand [redacted] made of the Church after Danny broke up with her was asking for their help to intervene so the breakup would not be permanent,”

Masterson has yet to comment on the charges personally.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Danny Masterson Vigorously Denies Rape Allegations, Points Finger at Leah Remini

Danny Masterson strenuously denies old rape allegations against him … and he’s claiming Leah Remini played a part in the cases coming to light. A rep for the “That ’70s Show” star tells TMZ … they’re aware of 16-year-old allegations…
