Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Donald Trump: Will He Be Invited to the Royal Wedding?

Americans spend every waking hour concerned about what President Donald Trump may do or say next.

And now a new report claims citizens of Great Britain can relate to their allies’ perpetual state of fear.

With the country very excited (and we mean VERY EXCITED!) for the impending wedding between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, a new question is starting to dominate the British headlines.

And starting to cause headaches for those in charge.

That question is this: Will Donald Trump receive a wedding invitation?

Moreover, will Barack and Michelle Obama receive a wedding invitation?

And, if the ex-President does, yet the current Commander-in-Chief does not, just how much of a tantrum will Trump throw and what will it mean for Britain?

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” a senior government source tells The Sun, adding the obvious:

“Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the queen.”

Prince Harry and President Obama have collaborated on the Invictus Games.

The Royal Hunk even interviewed the ex-Oval Office occupant for a recent podcast.

In other words: the two are pretty close. They get along well. There’s no real debate as to whether Obama will be invited to the May 19th ceremony.

But President Trump? Well… he has no history with Harry or anyone in the Royal Family.

(He does watch a lot of television, however, so he may be familiar with Markle’s work on the USA Network hit Suits, FWIW.)

In order to maintain a positive relationship with the United States, however, Prime Minister Theresa May may “lay down the law,” this same article states.

She may force Harry to extend an invite to Trump and, in that case, “Harry will just have to suck it up.”

Just this fall, Trump re-Tweeted racist videos from far-right group Britain First, drawing an unusually strong reaction from Downing Street.

May isn’t exactly a fan of the President’s, either.

But she may recognize the need to avoid further issues by simply letting Trump know he can attend the nuptials if he so desires.

Harry and Markle announced their engagement last month.

They proceeded to sit for a joint interview and make a few public appearances, including a trip to church with Kate Middleton and Prince William on Christmas.

Check out those photos here:

Neither Markle nor Harry has said much of anything regarding President Trump, but both are known for being rather liberal and progressive.

We doubt they like the guy very much.

But they may also recognize the need to just suck it up, as the above insider states, and see if the President wants to come.

If he chooses to do so, the event will no doubt be the BEST WEDDING OF ALL-TIME.

That’s what many people are saying will happen if Trump attends, that is.
