Thursday, December 28, 2017

Carrie Fisher: Mourned, Remembed One Year After Death

It’s been one year since Hollywood was shaken to its core by the most tragic of news:

Carrie Fisher had passed away.

The beloved actress had fallen unconscious a couple days prior to Christmas after suffering a heart attack and finally succumbed to the after-effects on December 28, 2017.

Exactly 365 days ago today.

Immediately following her death, tributes and words of mourning poured forth from all who knew the legendary actress well.

And even from those who were just familiar with her work, such was the profound impact Fisher had on so many individuals.

Now, on the anniversary of her death, two of the most important people in Carrie’s life have spoken out once again.

First, her daughter, Billie Lourd.

“My momby had an otherworldly obsession with the northern lights, but I never got to see them with her,” Lourd wrote on social media on Wednesday.

She added:

“We journeyed to northern Norway to see if we might ‘see the heavens lift up her dark skirts and flash her dazzling privates across [our] unworthy irises.’ And she did.”

In a beautiful and simple conclusion, the young actress wrote:

“I love you times infinity.”

“In just an hour, the post reached close to 50,000 Likes, with many users expressing their love and support in the Comments section.

Then there was Mark Hamill.

The actor, who co-starred in a number of Star Wars films with Fisher and who had a special bond with the late star, took to Twitter this afternoon and wrote the following:

“No one’s ever really gone…”

He penned this caption along with the hashtags “#AlwaysWithUs” and “#CarrieOnForever” and a photo of the stars together.

This photo was itself alongside a drawing of Fisher and her beloved dog, Gary, which is … well… totally awesome.

See for yourself:

fisher finger

As many movie fans also know, director Rian Johnson recently paid tribute himself to Fisher in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Shortly after the credits, a dedication appears onscreen that reads: “In Loving Memory of Our Princess, Carrie Fisher.”

“I want to dedicate tonight to Carrie, who is up there right now flipping me the bird, saying, ‘Damn it, Rian, don’t you dare make this night a solemn tribute,"” the director joked at the film’s premiere earlier this month, adding simply:

“So let’s all have a blast tonight for Carrie.”

The veteran star’s cause of death was eventually revealed to be from sleep apnea and “other undetermined factors.”

May she continue to rest in peace.
