Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kate Middleton: Pregnant with Twins?!

The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton, has reportedly one-upped Meghan Markle. Or two-upped, as the case may be:

She’s pregnant with twins, allegedly!

As you can see by the cover of the always-reputable OK! Magazine above, the royal mum is now expecting a third baby … and a fourth:

“Kate’s Baby Surprise: Twin Girls!”

What more do you need to know?!

Especially since the “palace confirms” this, that must make it official, right? A celebrity gossip publication wouldn’t make that up, right?!

The tabloid reports breathlessly that “Duchess Kate and Prince William are expecting two girls,” which truly would be thrilling if correct.

Specifically, “word has leaked from Kensington Palace” about the baby news after Kate “recently confessed the news to a close friend.”

“She had an inkling it might be twins because she’s gaining more weight than she did during her previous pregnancies,” a source said.

“When she found out she’s carrying twins,” the source said, everything started to come together, and “it all made sense” to the 35-year-old.

Naturally, this was super awesome, and “the development came as a wonderful surprise to William” too. Then there’s the gender aspect.

The couple would’ve been over the moon anyway, but were even more so “when they learned that the babies are identical twin girls.” 

OMG! So many princesses!

We know they had one perfect name picked out for a girl, but now, let the Kate Middleton baby name speculation ramp up anew!

Queen Elizabeth II, for her part, is further described as “overjoyed” to watch two additional grandchildren grow into upstanding adults.

She will live forever, after all.

Don’t expect Kate or William to talk about this publicly, though, as “the couple won’t be releasing an official statement for some time.”

The publication’s source also says that “the families have been sworn to secrecy about this news,” which is a dubious claim, honestly.

As venerable celebrity news detectives at Gossip Cop point out, how can it be confirmed and secret at the same time?! It’s so baffling.

Talk of Kate Middleton pregnant with twins has taken the web by storm before. As in on multiple occasions with all three of her pregnancies.

It didn’t happen the first two times.

Moreover, the couple said this fall: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in April 2018.”

That’s A BABY singular. So …

While it’s certainly possible that they didn’t know it was twins at the time, or simply wrote it that way to keep things simple, we’re skeptical.

According to an earlier report, Kate has been working hard so George and Charlotte can “participate in making the baby feel welcome.”

Again, one little one.

And while Will “desperately wants to keep Kate happy but worries she’s overtaxing herself,” the source says, that would be true anyway.

Being pregnant with two little ankle-biters running around is taxing whether you’re expecting one or two more in the coming months.

All we can tell you is that, twins or not, between Kate’s family and Meghan marrying Harry, 2018 will be a joyous year to remember for the royals.
