Thursday, December 28, 2017

Blac Chyna: A Protective Order Against Rob Shouldn"t Cost Me My Job!

The Kardashians and Blac Chyna, through the precious and innocent Dream Kardashian, will always be linked. Right now, they’re also linked through a couple of major legal battles.

You know how the Kardashians are saying that it’s Blac Chyna’s own fault that her reality career didn’t take off, because her restraining order made it impossible to film scenes with Rob?

Well, Blac Chyna thinks that the argument is hogwash (not her word) and sends a horrible message to survivors of abuse.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian both accuse each other of drug-fueled violence, which is honestly pretty horrifying on its own.

(Domestic violence should never happen, folks)

Blac Chyna claims that she was only violent in self-defense, while Rob claims that she went on a destructive rampage that caused about $ 100,000 in damages to the house he was renting from his sister Kylie.

These very serious accusations aren’t just a huge factor in why the infamous couple broke up.

They’re also a huge factor in Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashian family.

See, Chyna is suing the family, claiming that they blacklisted her with E! and killed her potential reality career, starting with the show that she had with Rob.

She’s reportedly seeking a 7-figure amount in compensation for what she could have made in wages and also what she could have made in endorsements.

Apparently, however, the Kardashians aren’t worried about Blac Chyna’s lawsuit … because they claim that it’s Chyna’s own fault that her show got canceled.

Those domestic violence accusations we mentioned?

They included a restraining order against Rob Kardashian. He couldn’t go near her because, well, Chyna was afraid of what he might do.

The Kardashian argument seems to be that the show’s cancellation wasn’t part of some conspiracy, but simply because two stars can’t film a show (not easily, anyway) if one has a restraining order against the other.

At the very least, they can’t film scenes together like that.

TMZ reported that the Kardashian team was making that argument, and is now reporting exactly what Chyna thinks of it.

Apparently … she’s not a fan.

In fact, Blac Chyna reportedly believes that this sends a message that women who suffer domestic violence like she did shouldn’t get a protective order, or it might later be used against them.

While her circumstances — filming a reality series with her baby daddy who became her alleged abuser — are pretty unusual, there are plenty of women who work with their partners.

Should our world be one in which women who get protective orders against their abusers have to fear professional consequences?

What if a woman gets a restraining order from her husband and, say, the office job where they both work fires her in order to resolve the problem of their cubicles being too close?

At least, that’s what we think that Chyna is getting at.

Of course, TMZ notes that there’s arguably one hiccup with Blac Chyna’s argument.

She dropped her order of protection after she won big time in her custody fight.

So … it might appear that, by example, she’s promoting the use of restraining orders as a bargaining chip.

But maybe she dropped it as a sign of good faith, in the hopes that Rob is no longer a threat to her.

And to make custody trade-offs a little easier between the two.

Not everything has to be a calculated ploy, right?

Not even when we’re talking about Blac Chyna’s legal struggle with the Kardashians.

