Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Back In Rehab Just Weeks After Leaving Treatment

Many Teen Mom OG fans are expressing concern on social media today in response to news that Catelynn Lowell will be checking back into rehab to seek further treatment for trauma and other emotional issues.

But perhaps they shouldn’t be worried.

After all, Catelynn doesn’t seem to be.

Don’t get us wrong–we’re sure she’s sad to once again be parting ways with her daughter and husband for an extended period of time.

But she also appears to appreciate this development for what it is–a chance to find a treatment plan that will work for her long-term, and allow her to be the best wife, mother, and entrepreneur she can be.

“Well they say third time’s a charm,” Lowell tweeted.

“I’m going back to treatment people for 6 weeks to work on my trauma and getting on different meds.”

Addressing her husband, Tyler Baltierra, Catelynn added:

“THANK YOU @TylerBaltierra I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! You are my light!! And nova you are my sunshine #KeepTalkingMH.”

The hashtag is part of a social media movement to encourage productive conversation about the challenges and stigmas surrounding mental illness.

Shortly after her message was posted, Catelynn re-tweeted her TMOG co-star Amber Portwood, who wrote:

“Sometimes it takes a strong man to pick up a broken woman.”

Lowell checked into rehab back on November 17 after revealing to her Twitter followers that she had been struggling with suicidal thoughts.

“I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself,” she told Radar Online at the time.

“On November 17, I thought of every way possible to commit suicide, from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

Catelynn left the facility on December 29 after six weeks of treatment.

She left rehab with an extensive plan to maintain her mental health, informing her social media followers that she had quit drinking and using drugs, and would be pursuing a proactive treatment program.

“She’s going to be doing their regular therapy, couple’s therapy and outpatient,” said a source close to Lowell.

Of course, as anyone who’s ever struggled with mental health knows, recovery is rarely a straight path.

We wish Catelynn all the best and hope that she’s able to find the help she needs.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.
