Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: Wrestling For Roses

If The Bachelor spoilers have taught us anything, it’s that every season has a hero, a villain and some absolutely shocking twists.

Okay, maybe they’re not all that shocking, but they’re head-turning enough to be dubbed the FIRST IN BACHELOR HISTORY. 

This week didn’t offer too many jaw-droppers, though it did get us one week closer to finding out who wins The Bachelor 2018.

The first group date on this third episode of the season was brought to you by the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, or GLOW.

Naturally, the reality show spun this into its own acronymed offshoot entitled GLOB, or the Gorgeous Ladies of The Bachelor. 

Grab some Advil, as the eye-rolling may be so persistent and extreme that it actually gives you a minor headache after awhile.

Maquel, Jacqueline, Lauren B., Tia, Marikh, Bekah M., Bibiana and Krystal were coached by veterans of the original GLOW.

After plenty of tough love from the coaches and a few tears, the women got in the ring and channeled their pro wrestling alter egos.

It was actually somewhat entertaining at times, but the levity was short-lived after the group date when Krystal “stole” Arie. 

Yes, she pulled that s–t again.

Bibiana tried to tell him about the drama with Krystal, but he was unmoved, and at the end of the date, Bekah M. got the rose.

Lauren S. got the one-on-one date this week (there was only one of them) and spent it at a Napa Valley winery with Arie.

Sounds awesome, but it wasn’t. The date was one of the most awkward on the show in some time, and she left with no rose.

Lauren S.’s departure was a topic of discussion back at the house, and naturally Krystal made more enemies taking about it.

The next group date featured more trauma for Annaliese, who moved from last week’s “bumper car trauma” to a fear of dogs.

Oh yes, the group date – in which the girls and Arie got to partake in dog-show tricks with a group of pups – was scary for her.

Fortunately, Annaliese overcame her rough experience with a dog in her childhood and was determined to kiss Arie at the end.

Not that he seemed interested, but whatever. At least she hung tough while Chelsea received the coveted group date rose.

At the cocktail party, Bibiana and Annaliese were getting increasingly antsy to get a rose or a kiss or an acknowledgement from Arie.

They came up empty on all fronts.

Annaliese finally caught up to Arie and mentioned how many other girls had kissed him. His response to that obvious invite?

“I just don’t think we’re there yet.” 

Ouch. Annaliese’s feelings were hurt, and he followed that up by sending her home on the spot when she wanted answers.

At the rose ceremony, Arie sent Bibiana packing, rounding out the night with three eliminations on this leg of the journey.
