Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kendall Jenner SLAMS Scott Disick and Sofia Richie in Epic Instagram Post!

Kendall Jenner is usually the chillest member of the family, right?

Like she’s not out there having meltdowns on social media, she rarely shares nude photos.

In the Kardashian/Jenner clan, she’s practically a nun.

But every now and then, our dear Kenny will break out with some unexpected personality — some sass, or a little bit of humor, that sort of thing.

And boy, she sure did bust a gem out right here!

See, Scott Disick took his girlfriend, 19-year-old Sofia Richie, out to dinner last night, and he actually brought his kids along, too.

It’s a little surprising that he would take that huge step, but a witness spoke to People about it and explained that it was “a short dinner” and that Scott and Sofia “were not affectionate.”

“Sofia acted like Scott’s friend and you could tell she was trying a gentle approach to get his kids’ approval,” the source added.

So that’s good, right? It would be a little inappropriate if Scott just sprung everything on the kids at once — especially since there’s only an 11 year age difference between Sofia and his oldest kid.

But that happened, and a Scott Disick fan page posted a paparazzi image of the whole gang in the car together.

All pretty normal stuff, right?

But Kendall happened to see the photo, and she took the time to comment on it.

What did she write?

“Awww Scott and his kids,” that’s what she wrote. Oh, along with a laughing emoji.

… Yeah, she did that.

It was a weird move, honestly. How did she come across the fan page in the first place? Was she searching Scott or Sofia’s tags? Was she that desperate to find a way to be petty?

It’s hard to say what exactly her motivation was, but it happened, she went through with it, and we can never go back to a time when we haven’t seen this supremely catty side of Kendall.

This is kind of a monumental moment, honestly.

Some people were totally here for this, calling Kendall things like “savage queen” and “queen of shade.”

Those people applauded her pettiness, and her willingness to stand up for Kourtney and call out Scott for his questionable choices in girlfriends.

But many, many more people were not amused.

“Girl u need to look at your own family before attacking your sisters ex and your best friends friends lmao,” one person wrote.

Another told her to “stay in ur lane and leave Sofia alone that’s disrespectful so i hope when kourtney n younes go out with the kids u can say kourtney n her kids! Smh.”

Because remember, it’s not like Scott is the only one in this whole group who’s been in relationships with large age gaps.

Kris Jenner’s boyfriend is almost half her age, and Kendall apparently didn’t have much to say when Kylie was acting like a stepmother to Tyga’s son when she was only 17 years old.

And, like that one person pointed out, if she’s going to say these things about Scott and Sofia, then she should probably say them about Kourtney and her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima, as well.

Younes is older than Sofia, but Kourtney was older than Scott, too — there’s the exact same age difference between Kourtney and Younes and Scott and Sofia.

That’s why several people are calling her a hypocrite for this, and really, that’s pretty accurate.

Like, at least Sofia was legally an adult when Scott got with her. We can’t say the same for Kylie and Tyga.

What do you think? Are you loving this sassy side of Kendall?
