Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Kim Kardashian: All the Details On Her Third Child"s Birth!

As you may have heard, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed their third child today.

The baby girl was born via surrogate, and Kim and Kanye were both reportedly on hand for the miraculous moment.

Kris Jenner was also able to make it to Cedars-Sinai in time for the delivery, along with two of Kim’s sisters.

(It’s not currently known which sisters were in attendance.)

The baby was delivered by Dr. Paul Crane, the Kard clan’s trusted physician, who has made several appearances on Keeping Up Wih the Kardashians over the years.

The baby entered the world weighing 7 lbs 6 oz.

According to the announcement on Kim’s subscription-based app, she was born at 12:47 on Monday morning.

There were reportedly no complications.

No word yet on a name, but that’s not a surprise.

With their first two kids, Kim and Kanye kept that info under wraps for several weeks.

As for Kim’s surrogate, she remains anonymous.

She’s reportedly a married black woman in her 20s.

Sources say she’s an athletic college graduate with two kids of her own.

And we’re guessing she’s about to have a very comfortable 2018 after cashing in big time.

It’s not known exactly how much Kim and ‘Ye shelled out for her services, but we’re guessing it was a pretty penny.

The surrogate was reportedly permitted some interaction with the child after the birth, but the little girl was shortly thereafter turned over to Kim and Kanye.

TMZ reports that Kim was the first person to have skin-to-skin contact with the baby.

Kim revealed that she’s expecting a girl in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres late last year, but other than that, she’s been tight-lipped about the process.

Interestingly, the entire Kard clan was able to keep the birth a secret for nearly 36 hours, which must have required quite a concerted effort on Kris Jenner’s part.

The way these folks post on social media, it’s a miracle they can keep anything under wraps … which makes it that much more impressive that we still haven’t seen Kylie Jenner’s bump.

But that’s a story for another time.

For now, we’d just like to offer our sincere congrats to Kim, Kanye, North, and Saint on the new addition to their happy family!
