Friday, January 5, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar: CONFIRMING She Got Pregnant Out of Wedlock?!

If you’re a fan of her family’s, then you’ve no doubt heard by now that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

You’re probably also aware of the rumors and allegations about Joy’s “shotgun wedding.”

The Duggars forbid all forms of premarital sexual activity, so the revelation that Joy got pregnant out of wedlock and lied about it to fans would mean yet another dent in the family’s “wholesome” image.

For the most part, the Duggars have been keeping Joy out of the spotlight in recent months, even excluding her from holiday photos, presumably as a means of avoiding further scrutiny of her much-discussed baby bump.

But in response to news that Jinger Duggar is expecting her first child, Joy joined her siblings in recording a congratulatory video that was posted on Facebook.

As usual, fans had much to say about the size of Joy’s belly, but it’s the 20-year-old’s comments about her sister’s pregnancy that really have Duggar Nation buzzing.

“Yeah I’m excited because it’s only going to be six months longer than mine,” Joy-Anna says in the video.

“That is so cool,” she adds.

Pregnancies generally all last about the same length of time, so we’re sure what Joy meant to say is that Jinger’s due date is six months after hers.

And that timeline is raising a few eyebrows today.

Duggar obsessives have managed to narrow down Jinger’s conception date, which means Joy may have given away more information than she intended to with her remarks.

In her pregnancy announcement, Jinger stated that she was not far enough along to know the sex of the baby, which means she’s probably less than 16 weeks along.

Duggar women generally wait until the end of their third trimester to announce their pregnancies, a not uncommon practice, as the likelihood of a miscarriage declines considerably at that point.

So it’s safe to say that Jinger is just over 12 weeks into her pregnancy

Which would mean that Joy is due to give birth this month.

And that would mean that Jinger’s claims that she got pregnant on her honeymoon in late May or early June are more than a little misleading.

According to the timeline she’s offering fans, Joy should only be about seven months along.

So unless she’s planning a premature birth, it would seem that Joy almost certainly got knocked up before she and Austin exchanged vows.

Some Duggar-ites believe Joy made a veiled confession in the video for the simple reason that she’s sick of keeping up the charade.

There was a time when we would’ve found that highly unlikely, but considering how much the Duggar girls have been rebelling against Jim Bob in recent months, we wouldn’t necessarily put it past her.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
