Friday, January 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian Baby Name: Revealed! Bizarre!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child this week.

The baby girl was delivered via surrogate early Monday morning, and as with their first two children, Kim and Kanye have been very selective about what details they choose to share with the public.

Rumors about the child’s name have been circulating on social media non-stop, but now we finally know what moniker the Wests have chosen–and it’s their strangest one yet.

Yes, Kim and Kanye have always preferred eccentric names for their children, as evidenced by daughter North and son Saint.

But we don’t think anyone could have predicted a handle quite as unusual as–drumroll please–Chicago West.

Yes, the little girl will go through life with the name of Chicago West.

(If she has a middle name, it’s currently being kept private.)

The announcement was made on Kim’s subscription-based app just moments ago.

We suppose it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.

Chicago Sign

After all, the couple clearly has a fondness for names that sound like they were suggested by Rand McNally.

According to TMZ, little Chicago will go by the nickname Chi (pronounced “shy”).

Obviously, the decision was made as a tribute to Kanye’s hometown.

Chi was born in Los Angeles, of course, but it seems her parents don’t want her to forget that the world is bigger than ultra-posh Calabasas.

Of course, it’s a lot of pressure being named after such a rough-and-tumble city, and young Chi (great rape name, btw) will have to pub in some serious effort if she wants to live up to her name.

She’ll have to grow up with a healthy reverence for Oprah and Obama, as well as a persistent sense of insecurity about the Cubs.

(Fun fact: Did you know Chi West wasn’t even alive the last time the Cubs won a World Series?!?!)

She’ll need strong opinions about deep dish pizza, ketchup on hot dogs, and the importance of public transportation.

When the time comes to choose a career, she may want consider becoming a corrupt politician.

We kid Chicago because we love it, of course.

And we love the Wests for once again delivering a baby name that no one could’ve predicted.

Mazel tov to one of the world’s most consistently compelling families!
