Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Anna Duggar Returns to Twitter, Gets Roasted By Fans

Anna Duggar is something of a controversial figure.

Some view her as one of the many victims of her husband, while others believe her to be complicit in the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Whatever your personal take on Josh’s controversial wife, it’s not hard to see why she’s mostly decided to avoid social media in recent years.

And it’s also not hard to see why her recent return to Twitter resulted in an avalanche of criticism.

The mother of five returned to the social media platform with belated holiday wishes and a photo of her ever-expanding family.

“Merry CHRISTmas!” she captioned the photo, not so subtly reminding her followers that she’s all about JC.

Needless to say, the pious greeting coupled with a photo of a known child molester didn’t sit well with many Twitter users.

And some of them were quite vocal in their criticism of Anna.

“How can you all proclaim to be followers of Christ yet turn a blind eye to Josh’s horrific Child molestation?” one follower posted.

“I never even heard him apologize,” she added, which is a fair point.

For all the apologies that heve been issued on his behalf, for all the excuses and equivocations and tearful pleas for unserstanding, we’ve never once heard Josh actually admit to any wrong doing and simply apologize.

Some say Anna is putting her children in harm’s way by not leaving Josh and demanding full custody.

Others, however, believe she’s one of her husband’s many victims, and may feel that she has no choice but to stay with him.

As you may, recall in the months after the world learned that Josh molested five young girls, it was revealed that he had gone to great lengths to try and cheat on Anna 

It was only then that Josh checked into rehab for sex addiction treatment, a move that led many to believe the Duggars take marital infidelity more seriously than child molestation.

Shortly after he returned home, it was revealed that Josh and Anna were expecting a fifth child, and many further criticized the long-suffering mother and wife for bringing another kid into a dangerous situation.

Obviously, the situation is complex, and it’s entirely possible that Anna is both victim and accomplice.

Whatever the case, it seems she won’t be receiving the warm welcome she used to enjoy on Twitter anytime soon.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
