Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Josh Duggar: Put on Display in Duggar Family 2017 Collage!

The Duggar family’s New Year’s post has fans and followers up in arms.

It’s not the inclusion of Anna Duggar or her new baby, Mason, that has fans talking — well, arguing — in the comments.

The controversy lies at the feet of Josh Duggar, who’s featured in their 2017 collage as if he were a normal guy and not, you know, a disgraced pervert.

The New Year might not be astronomically significant. One could, in theory, pick any random day and decide that it’s the “New Year.” Various cultures and faiths have their own calendars with their own beginnings.

But there are still quite a few superstitions about the New Year. A lot of people set goals for themselves (it’s as good a time as any, right?).

Ideally, you’re supposed to not begin a new year by repeating your past mistakes.

Apparently, the Duggars didn’t get the memo.

Because they rang in 2018 with this spread of photos. Notice who’s featured pretty prominently?

The Duggars captioned the picture, celebrating family milestones:

“2017 – 3 new grandbabies, 2 beautiful weddings, 1 new son-in-law, 1 new daughter-in-law, birthdays, anniversaries, and a whole lot of love!”

They briefly celebrate their blessings through a religious lens, and express optimism for the future.

“The Lord has been good to us in 2017! We can’t wait to see what 2018 holds!!”

But, in case you missed it — because they did not address it at all — here’s the photo from the lower right-hand corner of that collage:

Say what you will (seriously) about Josh Duggar, but … at least you can see both of his hands in this photo.

That’s something.

So, Josh and poor Anna are showing off their kids, including the couple’s fifth child, newborn Mason Garrett. 

But displaying Josh so prominently was bound to be controversial. The guy’s a cheater — and that’s the least of his wrongdoings. The guy molested his little sisters.

Though most fans are unwilling to “move past” a guy’s history of sexually preying upon young girls, some fans like seeing Josh Duggar and say that they support him.

Some fans were delighted to see Josh brought out of hiding, even in photo form:

“Awww I miss Josh and Anna. God bless them. Happy New Year for the Duggar Family’s,” one wrote.

Others, however, weren’t so eager to pretend that Josh is just a “normal” member of the Duggar family.

“Josh belongs in prison, not on that couch, especially with children around,” one commenter announced.

Even those who don’t feel that Josh belongs in prison for offenses committed when he was a minor believe that he has issues that could only be resolved with actual, non-bogus therapy:

“He obviously has a sexual problem and acts out even as an adult.”

The comments about Josh just keep coming.

“Josh was old enough to know better and he cheated on his pregnant wife and put her through hell.”

That same fan continued: “It’s [Anna’s] choice to stay with him [but] I worry about her and the kids for their safety and happiness.”

A lot of people worry about Josh’s children. A lot worry about all of the Duggar children, for a lot of reasons.

This 2017 collage comes on the heels of the Duggar Family putting Josh Duggar on display in their Christmas photo.

But they hid Joy-Anna’s baby bump. In their world, a pregnancy that began before a wedding is apparently more shameful than a sexual predator.

The Duggars were blasted for that, too. Just as they were for including Josh at Thanksgiving. As one fan wrote at the time:

“Hope Josh kept his hands to himself at Thanksgiving and that no girls fell into a tryptophan nap. He loves those sleeping girls!”

It looks like the Duggars are doubling down on Josh in 2018. Just one of many terrible decisions that they’ve made.
