Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Amy Roloff: Did She Ban Matt Roloff from Jacob Roloff"s Birthday Party?!

Right on the heels of unfair accusations that Amy Roloff was exploiting her son Jacob in order to sell bread, followers and so-called “fans” are finding yet another reason to give the Little People, Big World star some grief.

This time, they’re apparently enraged that Amy held an early birthday party for her son, Jacob, and gathered her children but not her ex-husband, Matt Roloff.

Can’t Amy catch a break?!

Amy Roloff shared this photo of a wholesome family gathering, adding the caption:

“This gathering happened the other day, all of my kids were at the Farm house to celebrate Jacobs 21st birthday early.”

That’s so sweet! It’s especially nice to see Jacob, once estranged from the Roloff clan, bonding again with his loved ones.

“What a fun and blessed time being all together!”

With adult children all leading their own lives — and Molly living out of state — it’s a rare opportunity for Amy to get to see her kids.

Let alone so many members of the Roloff family in one place at one time.

“Of course this momma and grandma was happy and loved it!”

It’s a precious photo of a sweet family gathering.

One, it’s nice to see Amy so happy. Often, photos that she shares are of her grandbabies or of her social life, rather than of such a large family group.

Two, it’s great to see that so many Roloffs were happy to celebrate Jacob’s birthday.

He was, for ages, the “black sheep,” and now we have photographic evidence that they’ve been successful in mending fences.

(And seeing Audrey positioned so close to the birthday boy will go a long way towards quashing those rumors that Audrey and Jacob hate each other)

Some of Amy’s Instagram followers, however, focused less on what was in the photo as they did on what was not in the photo.

Or rather, who was not in the photo.

Matt Roloff was absent. Though he and Amy aren’t married anymore, a number of followers took issue with his apparent exclusion from the family photo.

“With everybody but Matt, so sad.”

“Matt should’ve been there with his girlfriend as these are his children also.”

“Aww, Matt should have been their no matter what he’s the farm and created that farm for his family and when children came!!!!! Sad he doesn’t have to sit next to Amy!!!!”

Some fans, however, had enough sense to jump in in defense of Amy not inviting her ex-husband.

“This is Amy’s house…they’re divorced & he has his own place & can have them over as well. They’re not obligated to invite each other over for anything…”

Very true. Similarly, Amy Roloff probably won’t be invited to Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler’s engagement party, whenever that apparent inevitability happens.

“Perhaps he has the kids over without Amy. They’re divorced. This is her house and her picture. I am sure he does the same.”

It’s not uncommon for divorced families to see parents celebrating occasions separately. That can mean that every kid gets two birthdays. And Jacob’s actual birthday isn’t for another week.

We’d like to offer an alternative explanation.

Beyond, you know, who gets invited to whose birthday parties not really being our business, strictly speaking, we think that a lot of these people making arguments missed a pretty big point.

This is Jacob’s birthday party. He’s 21. (Or, again, he will be in a week)

Jacob’s been repairing his family relationships, sure. But a lot of that has involved his siblings and his mother.

It may be that Matt wasn’t there because Jacob didn’t want him there. That is, at least, worth considering.

But no, people love to bash Amy Roloff.
