Monday, January 22, 2018

Abby Lee Miller: Greetings from Prison! I Still Suck!

Abby Lee Miller has clearly not yet been rehabilitated.

The self-centered former Dance Moms host has not only shared an update of her life behind bars with fans…

… but she’s also shared a photo of herself and some inmates in prison.

Several months after she whined about the food she’ll have to eat in the clink, while also claiming she may be killed, Miller posted a lengthy caption on Instagram yesterday.

It shot down various Internet rumors; it bragged about her weight loss; and it made apparent that the choreographer/bully is yet to learn the concept of “personal responsibility.”

“Sometimes in life you make mistakes. I trusted the wrong people and didn’t pay any attention to things I should of,” said Miller to open her statement.

This has been a constant theme of the star’s ever since she pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud in 2016.

“I’m more than sorry for the mistakes I have made,” she said again here, but really we all know what she’s implying:

It wasn’t my fault!

Continued Miller:

“My world flipped upside down when I had to enter prison. I did so with grace, the stories you read about me been a princess are untrue.

“I have made friends with both inmates and staff, I’ve tried to better myself, participated in anything offered to me and I am a better person for this experience.”

Just a general note:

Any time someone goes out of his or her way to say he or she did something with “grace,” chances are they did not do so.

Miller has been sentenced to 366 days in the slammer for her role in a scheme that involved hiding her assets from the government.

She did not report a great deal of income she earned from various personal appearances, despite the law requiring her to do so.

After admitting to her culpability in court, Miller quit Dance Moms about a year ago in a classic Instagram rant, lashing out at producers for the way she was treated.

She has never come across as a very nice person.

“All the press stories and speculation are not entirely correct however, I am feeling hopeful but no dates have been confirmed at this time,” Miller wrote on Sunday, referring to rumors that she would be released early.

She added:

“I am feeling great and ready to turn over a new leaf thank you so much to everyone for your support especially my nearest and dearest I love you all.”

The 51-year old ex-Lifetime personality was sentenced in May 2017 for bankruptcy fraud, specifically for bringing $ 120,000 worth of Australian currency into the United States without reporting it.

She was also ordered to two years of supervised release and fined $ 40,000 along with a $ 120,000 judgment.

Miller began serving her time at the Victorville, California, federal prison in July.

If she is not granted an early release, she will be a free woman once again in July of this year.

Look for her to instantly try to cash in from her jail sentence at that time, granting many interviews and trying to get back on television in any way she can.

She really does suck a whole lot in our opinion.
