Thursday, January 11, 2018

Anfisa Arkhipchenko & Jorge Nava: Are They Still Together?!

There have been few 90 Day Fiance couples more controversial than Anfisa Arkhipchenko and Jorge Nava.

He seemed like a liar who wanted a mail-order-bride. She seemed like a gold-digger and was filmed striking him. It … was not pretty.

Fans have been demanding to know if this toxic couple is together … and Anfisa is finally addressing those questions.

90 Day Fiance is a fascinating reality series in which international couples — one American, one from elsewhere — have only 90 days (per US visa laws) to spend together in the US before they must either marry, or the non-American partner must go home.

Jorge Nava is an American who liked Anfisa Arkhipchenko’s modeling photos and struck up a conversation with her.

He apparently convinced her that he was wealthy and that he would take care of her if she came to the US.

She arrived to find that, well, Jorge’s living financial wasn’t quite what she’d imagined. Specifically, he was in debt.

And Jorge discovered that Anfisa really, really likes to shop. She jokes that it’s the thing that she does best.

Jorge would later claim that Anfisa only got mean when he paid for her to get a boob job. For what it’s worth, Anfisa acknowledges having gotten some work done.

He also tried to imply on television that she was a sex worker.

But even when they were first trying to work things out, things didn’t go well. Anfisa Arkhipchenko slapped Jorge Nava on camera, which is very alarming because domestic violence is always alarming.

Anfisa then tried to turn it around by accusing Jorge Nava of “violence” … claiming that his alleged control over the couple’s finances was the real abuse.

(To be serious, there are cases of viciously controlling spouses who use financial control to dominate their partners; but you don’t usually see the victims in those situations going shopping quite as often as Anfisa was shown doing)

All around, these two struck viewers as a toxic couple. And their interactions horrified their 90 Day Fiance costars.

But, after all of that, Anfisa celebrated her anniversary just a month before the 90 Day Fiance Tell-All Special aired, and her name on Instagram is Anfisa Nava.

And, in the captions beside a photo of her holding a huge box of roses, Anfisa finally decided that it was time to address the questions that fans ask the most.

“I would like to address some of the most popular comments under my posts: Are you still married? Where is your husband?”

But she’s not prepared to give a direct answer:

“Right now I prefer to keep my personal life private.”

If you’re thinking that a reality star asking for privacy is odd, she anticipated that.

“You might say ‘but you were on a reality show!"”

She sure was.

“Yes, and you should understand that even on the show you don’t see my whole life 24/7, you only see parts of it that were chosen by producers.” 

Oh, we know that.

“Same with my Instagram, only now the ‘producer’ is me.”

That’s one way of looking at it.

Anfisa then poses a question to her followers, and it’s unclear if that question is rhetorical or intended to be answered:

“Do you think it’s better to keep your relationship and personal life private or to share your happiness with everybody?”

As you can imagine, her followers replied in the comments, sounding off with different answers.

But … are she and Jorge still together?

We can’t imagine another reason for Anfisa to be holding a box of roses, unless it’s a product endorsement, in which case she really should have included the #ad tag in her captions, per FCC guidelines.

Despite common sense, we sort of get the feeling that Anfisa and Jorge are still together or still trying to work through things in some capacity.

In the mean time, Anfisa is modeling and it looks like she’s doing a number of endorsements on Instagram.

It may be that they’re keeping up an air of mystique for “privacy.”

Or maybe it’s just because Anfisa feels that confirming that they’re together or apart will, either way, alienate some followers, and she wants that money, honey.

Or it’s possible that the two are keeping mum because they’re going to be on 90 Day Fiance some more, and any answers would actually be spoilers.

That is what makes the most sense, to us.
