Friday, January 12, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Pregnant With Third Baby?!

2018 has already seen some legitimate Duggar baby news, as the family announced that Jinger is expecting her first child.

But that’s simply not enough for fans of the family, who apparently expect a new pregnancy every week.

Frankly, at the rate this family spawns, we don’t blame them.

Jessa Duggar is the latest to be subjected to an intense baby bump watch.

The speculation is based entirely on the placement of Ben Seewald’s hand in the photo above, which was posted on Facebook recently alongside the family’s congratulatory message to Jinger.

“Jessa looks pregnant and her husband is touching her belly,” one fan wrote, with all the apparent confidence of a detective laying out the evidence in a murder mystery. 

Not surprisingly, other Duggar obsessives took that ball and ran with it:

“So when will Jessa be making her announcement too?” wrote one fan.

“She totally looks preggers too,” commented another.

Another dispensed with the speculation and simply demanded confirmation, writing:

“Waiting for Jessa’s announcement!”

To be fair, Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, have been speaking publicly about the possibility of expanding their family.

But it seems they’re leaning toward adopting their third child.

“It will be a little while since we just had a baby, but adopting and fostering to adopt is very much in our hearts,” Jessa said in a recent interview.

But Duggar fans shouldn’t let comments like that put an end to the pregnancy speculation.

After all, maybe … um, Jessa is so stressed out by the adoption process that she’s been bingeing on Chick-Fil-A, and Ben’s hand placement is just a sign of sympathy for her impending gastrointestinal distress.

Yeah, that must be it.

We kid, but of course, it is entirely possible that Jessa is pregnant with her third child.

Still, we can’t help but laugh at the fact that with three kids currently on the way (Joy-Anna is expecting, and Kendra Caldwell is currently pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby.), Duggar fans are still seeking out unreported bumps.

There may come a time when every married Duggar woman is expecting, at which point, fans desperate for pregnancy rumors will have to return to scrutinizing the midsection of grandmother Michelle.

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