Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemmons Welcome Baby Boy!!!

Way back in 2016, Kirsten Dunst began dating Jesse Plemmons. They’re both actors, they’re reasonably close in age — he’s six years younger, and they are engaged.

Well, despite an initial lack of confirmation, fans have known for months that Kirsten has been pregnant with Jesse’s baby.

Now, Kirsten has given birth.

People reports that Kirsten and Jesse welcomed their baby’s birth over the weekend.

An insider reveals that she gave birth to “a healthy baby boy.”

Additionally, it sounds like everyone is in good health:

“Everyone is doing great.”

That is wonderful to hear.

Representative for Kirsten and for Jesse have not yet responded to requests for comment.

Kirsten did not hide away as a recluse, but she did not openly announce her pregnancy right away as so many people would.

She waited until just three months ago to confirm that she is pregnant.

In April, however, she did seem to refer to her pregnancy, taking to Instagram to mention to a Lifetime film that she did long ago — Fifteen And Pregnant.

That was in the 1990s, back when such a concept was just a horror story and not also the premise of a reality series.

Kirsten referred to the film, writing: “Art imitates life.”

Even if she had written “life imitates art,” it still would not have been entirely accurate. She is 36 years old.

Kirsten is best known for her film career, getting her start in a Woody Allen film (not her fault; it was decades ago and she was a child) and wowing audiences again as a child actress in Interview With The Vampire.

And, of course, she was in the Spider-Man movies. Not the Tom Holland ones or the Andrew Garfield ones. Before those.

Jesse Plemmons is also an actor who has appeared in many films and television shows.

(Honestly, you may recognize more of his TV work than his films, but that’s not an insult — some actors do certain genres more than others)

One of Jesse’s most recent projects, Fargo, is where he and Kirsten met.

The two played a married couple.

After meeting as actors, the two began dating.

By early 2017, the two had become engaged.

Now, they’re parents!

Kirsten Dunst hinted that the two might become parents in June of that year.

At the time, she confided that:

“I’m at a stage in my life where I’m like, ‘I’ve been working since I was 3. It’s time to have babies and chill."”

She says that there was something very particular that made he want to become a mother.

“I wasn’t one of those ‘I need a baby!’ people until my goddaughter was born. I love her so much. That love is just like…You can’t experience that unless you have a kid.”

Our sincerest congratulations go out to Kirsten and to Jesse.

We just hope that neither of them will shy away from their delightfully entertaining appearances on Drunk History.

But, obviously, their personal lives and especially their newborn baby boy come first.

Priorities, folks.

We have to wonder … will this little one become an actor like his parents?

Or will he follow his own path?
