Friday, May 4, 2018

Jersey Shore: Is Sammi Giancola FINALLY Coming Back?!

Hasn"t it been so fun having Jersey Shore back on our televisions?

Well, fun, depressing, mortifying … but still, it"s just like old times!

We"ve seen those beloved guidos and guidettes get wasted, make terrible decisions — seriously, it"s like they never left.

But even though it"s been very entertaining, there"s still been one very big thing missing, and that, of course, is the presence of Sammi Sweetheart.

She"s explained at length why she made the decision not to return to the Shore, saying that she"s "at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship."

She also said that she"s "not the same person as I was when I was 22," and that she wanted "to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS."

After seeing last week"s episode, we know she was definitely smart to avoid this mess — more on that in a moment.

But still, it"s hard not to have the whole gang together.

However, in a new interview that the current Jersey Shore crew did, it sounds like there"s a chance Sammi may make an appearance in the second season of Family Vacation!

When asked if she"d be coming back, Vinny said that "there"s always a chance," but Pauly D took it a step further, saying "I can almost bet on that."

He explained his answer, saying that after seeing all the buzz around the new show "she must want to do it, I gotta say. She must have to want to do the second one."

JWoww agreed with him, because "for the simple fact that she will always be a part of us and she"ll always be mentioned or brought up, at least capitalize on it, speak your own truth."

"Come in," she continued, "fight us and whatever, or love us, or like be around us. It"s kind of sh-tty that she"s not taking the opportunity."

Everyone was nodding while she was saying all of this, so it seemed like everyone agreed that she should and probably will come back — everyone but Deena.

She said that she doesn"t know that Sammi will come back because they tried to talk her into it when they got the show, but "she"s just not into it anymore."

While it would be great to see good ol" Sammi Sweetheart back on Jersey Shore, we have to say that, given what"s been developing recently, she absolutely made the right call.

And we"re with Deena — it would be really surprising if she did decide to come back for the next season.

As we"ve seen on the show, Ronnie, Sammi"s ex and, let"s be real, the main reason she"s not interested in filming anything, is still an absolute mess these days.

We saw him cheat on his then-pregnant girlfriend, and we saw him admit that he still has feelings for Sammi.

In a confessional, Deena revealed that he talks about her all the time, and that "Sam told me that he used to call her on blocked numbers, and used to like, be really weird."

She even said that "she was afraid she was gonna get in the house and he would get drunk and spiral and try and get back with her or something."

And besides everything we"ve seen on the show, he"s been having a pretty public meltdown recently, what with his Instagram fights with the mother of his newborn daughter and all that.

If the Ronnie of today feels comfortable threatening to beat his baby mama in an Instagram video, then Sammi is smart to stay far, far away.

Watch the Jersey Shore cast speculate on her return in the video below:

Jersey shore is sammi giancola finally coming back