Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: THIS is Why I"m Still With Tristan Thompson

In the aftermath of Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, Khloe has shown public support for her man without publicly addressing his cheating.

Fans are grappling with why Khloe could stand by the man who not only broke her heart, but humiliated her on a global scale.

Finally, we may have a real explanation.

E! has reports from multiple sources, describing why Khloe is with Tristan after everything that he’s done.

“Khloe has given Tristan another chance at their relationship, and is trying to put the pieces back together for the sake of True.”

Some wonder if Khloe is merely postponing an inevitable split until True is old enough be saddened by it.

“Although she is crushed by the scandal, Khloe desperately wants things to work and wants to have a complete family.”

There are, of course, lots and lots of ways to have a family. Khloe seems to be fixated on a two-parent household.

“Things are more complicated now that there is a child involved, but it was causing more stress on Khloe by being in limbo with Tristan.”

Sometimes, you feel relief once a decision is made, no matter what that decision is going to be.

“Khloe decided that the back and forth and indecisiveness on what they were going to do was taking a toll on her.”

Even as Khloe is called out as “pathetic,” it doesn’t sound like she’s going to directly address Tristan’s cheating.

“She wants to brush things under the rug and move forward.”

Khloe “has definitely set guidelines and boundaries for their new chapter.”

It’s good to hear that she is at least laying down some ground rules.

“She wants to make sure she is not embarrassed and heartbroken again, but everyone is warning her.”


“Khloe has a huge heart and once she falls, it’s hard for her to give up on someone she cares deeply about.”

When some people fall in love, it’s 100-crazy-percent. Those people are usually teenagers, but … sometimes it happens to adults, too.

“She has been in a rough spot this past month.”

The source also speaks about Tristan himself.

Allegedly, Tristan “trying very hard to repair the relationship since True was born.”

With most people, this would be kind of late for that, right? Who knew that Khloe of all people would be so forgiving?

“He knows his actions are embarrassing and hurtful but he wants to turn over a new leaf.”

Some cheaters really do stop. Others … just take a break and then get a lot more careful.

“He has promised many things to Khloe, and is trying to make her happy again.”

We’ll see how long that lasts. It would be amazing if it were to last a long time.

The insider also speaks of Khloe’s family. You know, the ones who want Khloe to leave Tristan Thompson and bring True to Calabasas.

They are apparently “being supportive.”

Sometimes, that’s all that you can do with your loved ones.

That said, the Kardashians “don’t agree” with Khloe’s choice.

But it’s a little like if your friend gets a new haircut. You don’t love it, but you find some non-shady way of saying “I’m glad that it makes you happy!” and move on because it’s their hair.

Khloe’s loved ones are focusing on the positive — Khloe’s baby.

“Everyone’s trying to stay focused on the new baby, and are happy to see the happiness that True has brought into Khloe’s life.”

Another source tells E! that Khloe “is in love with the baby and moving ahead” with Tristan.

“He has fully moved back in and they are a family.”

So she’s living with the man who cheated on her and they’re in Cleveland. Not most people’s idea of paradise.

“He made a promise to Khloe and it was enough for her to take him back.”


“She can’t imagine being a single mom and giving up her dream life she had planned with Tristan.”

We’re sure that the single moms reading this about Khloe are feeling great about that.

“People make mistakes and she has found it in her heart to forgive him. He has vowed to change and she feels that he has learned his lesson.”

“All eyes will be on him and he doesn’t want to ever let Khloe down again. Khloe doesn’t care what anyone thinks about what’s she’s doing.”

It’s interesting that Khloe, who so often seems morally offended when people don’t take her advice, is ignoring everyone else and also common sense. But that’s none of our business.

“It’s her life and this was her decision and only her decision. That’s all that matters.”

Yet another source spotted Khloe walking True in a stroller around the Cleveland neighborhood where it is assumed that she’ll live for however long her relationship with Tristan ends up lasting.

“She seems so happy to be out and about getting fresh air and a little bit of exercise.”

Sure. Khloe is, of course, obsessed with fitness.

“She even kicked her heels up a little bit while she was walking and seemed very happy.”

Perhaps she really is. Wouldn’t that be something?
