Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Tells Workout Critics to Shut the Eff Up

Khloe Kardashian isn’t just hitting the gym very hard these days.

She’s also hitting back against critics who have a problem with this.

And there are PLENTY of those critics.

Just like all her sisters before her after that had babies, Khloe has made a public showing out of her insatiable desire to get back in the gym and shed all those pesky pregnancy pounds.

She recently grossed herself out by looking at her own huge butt, writing on her official app:

“When I saw myself in those first post-pregnancy paparazzi photos, I couldn’t believe how big my booty looked! I can’t wait to tone up again and get my body back to where it was.”

That remark was made earlier in May, and it appears as if Khloe is truly dedicated to this weight-loss mission.

Just about a month after giving birth to True Thompson, Kardashian updated fans on her workout status yesterday, making it clear that she’s pounding the weights just like boyfriend Tristan pounded a bunch of Instagram models last year.

“The beginning parts of working out kind of suck because you’re pushing your body so hard, you’re so tired. It’s much more difficult than you expect it to be,” the 33-year-old wrotes yesterday on Snapchat.

Khloe included the above photo of her stomach with this message and added

“I’ve been working out for 11 days now, I feel really good, but tired. My body is sore because it’s re-waking itself back up.”

This may be great for Khloe self-esteem and self-confidence.

But the workouts are not terrific for her reputation.

A bunch of social media users have taken the new mother to task for focusing so very much on burning calories and putting on muscle so soon after becoming a parent.

And Khloe is well aware of this criticism.

This is what she said about it last night:

What I’m annoyed about is I’ve read a couple of times on Twitter that they feel that I’m focusing too much on my body, but the truth is, I’ve worked out five or six days a week before I got pregnant and that’s my sanctuary and something I love to do.

I want to start doing that now and get back to my rhythm and in between feedings I want to find time to work out because that’s going to be my new normal.

A couple thoughts on this:

First, Khloe did say many years ago that going to the gym helped her feel better about her divorce from Lamar Odom.

Amidst the unfortunate news that Tristan Thompson has been cheating on her left and right, it’s very understandable that Khloe would once again seek peace and solitude and distraction in a workout routine.

Second, though, is the clarification that folks are not upset at Khloe for working out a lot.

That would be silly. It’s totally her business.

What’s irritating is how she (and Kylie and Kim and Kourtney before her) all talked incessantly to their fans and followers about how they just NEED to lose as much weight as quickly as possible now that they are no longer pregnant.

This attitude sets an unhealthy and unrealistic example for other women.

They don’t have personal chefs at home. They don’t have personal trainers. They don’t have the luxuries these new and very rich mothers can afford.

If Khloe feels better about herself in the gym, by all means, she should keep going to the gym.

She should just stop talking about it so much out of respect for other women who may have different priorities and who definitely have other lifestyles.
