Friday, May 4, 2018

Donald Trump: Black People Love Me Because of Kanye!

Donald Trump gave a speech at the annual NRA convention in Dallas today, and the lengthy address touched on all of the topics you would expect from a Donald Trump speech to a roomful of NRA members:

Guns are great; I"m great; Mueller sucks; everyone wants to take your guns except me; did I mention how great I am?

You get the idea.

But the president also touched on a topic that would"ve left the room in shocked silence just a few weeks ago.

By now you"ve no doubt heard about Kanye West"s unrepentant love for Trump.

The rapper isn"t just a supporter, he"s a full-fledged member of the MAGA Mafia, and as a result, folks who would"ve alerted mall security to his presence a few weeks ago are now ordering 808s and Heartbreak on iTunes.

No doubt lots of folks who fit that profile were in the crowd at today"s convention, and they applauded wildly at the mention of Yeezy"s name:

"Kanye West must have some power, because you probably saw, I doubled my African-American poll numbers," Trump told the crowd.

"We went from 11 to 22 in one week, thank you, Kanye," the president added.

"When I saw the numbers I said that must be a mistake, how did that happen?"

We know the feeling, Mr. President.

We had a similar reaction on November 9, 2016.

Anyway, we don"t know what"s funnier – the fact that Trump thinks all black people take their political cues from Kanye West, or the fact that he"s surprised Kanye has any power.

The man literally has a song called "Power"!

Familiarize yourself with Yeezus" work before you kiss his ass, Donne!

We know you have issues with consistency, but don"t go turning into a bandwagon-jumping poseur at 71.

Donald trump black people love me because of kanye