Friday, May 4, 2018

Rihanna: Drake and I Aren"t Even Friends Anymore ...

Rihanna is talented and beloved and beautiful, and the cover of Vogue is exactly where she belongs.

In her interview, Rihanna talks about Fenty, she dishes about what she’ll be like as a mother, and even almost addresses her relationship with Hassan Jameel.

She also reveals that she and Drake, once joined at the hip, aren’t even friends anymore.

Rihanna is on Vogue‘s cover for June, which is honestly where she should be every month of the year, and she talks about so much.

Including a certain awkward exchange with Drake at the 2016 VMAs. Rihanna describes the atmosphere:

“The VMAs is such a fan-focused awards show.”

That’s certainly true. MTV knows how to cater to its audience.

“So having that energy around me, and knowing the people who had received the award in the past, made it feel like a big deal.”

And she did not like listening to Drake shower her with praise in front of everyone. It was awkward af.

“Waiting through that speech was probably the most uncomfortable part. I don’t like too many compliments; I don’t like to be put on blast.”

Normally put on blast describes something much more hostile. It says a lot when someone is praised so much that they feel attackd.

And there was, of course, the moment when Drake seemed to try to kiss her, leading Rihanna to visibly recoil and hold his head against her shoulder in the world’s most awkward hug.


Rihanna and Drake were once inseparable, but Rihanna describes how radically that has changed.

“We don’t have a friendship now.”

That said, they aren’t feuding.

“But we’re not enemies either.”

There’s a middle ground.

“It is what it is.”

Hard to argue with that.

Rihanna does not confirm her widely rumored romance with Hassan Jameel — though, considering how many times they’ve been spotted together, she might not have to.

She does seem to allude to that relationship, saying:

“I used to feel guilty about taking personal time, but I also think I never met someone who was worth it before.”

So that song about work, work, work was no joke.

She speaks on a broader, vaguer subject of stepping back from work.

“Even mentally, just to be away from my phone, to be in the moment, that has been key for my growth.”

She says that it really helps her to commit to work itself.

“Now, when I come to work, I’m all in. Because before you know it, the years will go by. I’m glad I’m taking the time. I’m happy.”

Rihanna has largely ignored rumors that she wants to have Hassan Jameel’s baby and only shut them down by appearing nearly nude.

However, she does discuss the possibility of becoming a mother — and even jokes that, now that she’s 30, she should have some of her eggs frozen.

“I’m not gonna be able to take my eyes off my kid.”

Little kids need to be watched every minute, and a lot of people already know that they’re going to want to spend all of their time bonding with their babies.

“I know that already about myself.”

While getting a nanny when you’re rich and busy is almost universal, Rihanna will have a hard time with it.

“They’re going to have to force me to hire a nanny.”

She is so good.

Honestly, Rihanna is often coy about her personal life — as we’ve seen when she dances around the “rumor” of her dating Hassan Jameel.

Other times, she says outlandish, amazing things that go viral immediately.

Because she’s a treasure.

It’s nice that she was so direct about how things have changed with Drake, even though it is of course sad to see any friendship fade. But it happens.
