Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Channing Tatum: Now That I"m Single, I Can Live My Dreams!

The world may not be sure what the hell happened to cause Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum to split.

But a report claims to know what’s next for Channing, at least. He’s said to be headed for New York. For his life and for his career.

And it allegedly ties into one of the major factors that caused him and Jenna to separate in the first place.

RadarOnline reports that Channing Tatum is moving to New York, according to what he has been telling friends.

“Channing’s been set on Broadway for a long time.”

So why hasn’t he made his way to New York before now?

“But Jenna wanted to stay in LA and wouldn’t hear of it.”

The source claims that this difference of opinion was a huge source of conflict during their marriage.

“This was a big reason why they split.”

Jenna is famously attached to L.A. … and even seemed to abandon a prominent role on Supergirl when the series moved to Vancouver.

But there was reportedly another factor.

“As well as her desperation to have another kid which he was dead set against.”

The source continues, saying that the Magic Mike star has had a difficult time since he and Jenna made the heartbreaking decision to part ways.

“Channing’s had a rough few months.”

That said, he is apparently optimistic about his future.

“But he’s ready to hit the reset button in a new city, with a fresh set of challenges.”

He might miss the life that he had with Jenna, but the source claims that he’s happy to leave L.A. in the dust.

“He’s pretty burnt out by Hollywood in general.”

It happens.

In early April, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan stunned the world by announcing their split.

At the time, their heartfelt message emphasized that they weren’t parting ways out of hatred.

“Absolutely nothing has changed about how much we love one another, but love is a beautiful adventure that is taking us on different paths for now.”

Additionally, they knew that rumors would arise, but wanted to assure fans that there was no secret twist behind their separation.

“There are no secrets nor salacious events at the root of our decision.”

Indeed, Jenna has shot down rumors about Channing allegedly having a drinking problem.

They said that this was best for the both of them.

“Just two best-friends realizing it’s time to take some space and help each other live the most joyous, fulfilled lives as possible.”

They really do seem to be getting along amicably.

Mother’s Day was this past Sunday, and Channing posted a video message for Jenna and for their daughter, Everly.

“Happy Mother’s Day everybody. Jenna, happy Mother’s Day, baby. Mama, happy Mother’s Day.”

He made it a touch more personal, even though it was a public message, saying:

“I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful sunset. Love you guys.”

Awww! That was very sweet.

At the same time, a source tells People that Jenna Dewan is adjusting to life without Channing.

“She is great.”

And apparently she faces each new day with greater zeal.

“She seems to love life more.”

Obviously, she has her priorities in order.

“She wants to be around for Everly as much as she can.”

That is fantastic to hear, but not a surprise. Jenna and Channing have always been famously good people.
