Monday, June 25, 2018

David Eason: Racist Cheyenne Floyd Needs To Be FIRED!

Back in February,  Jenelle Evans" husband, David Eason, was fired by MTV after hurling homophobic slurs at Teen Mom 2 fans on Twitter.

Last week, the network hired Cheyenne Floyd to replace Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom OG.

Those events may seem unrelated, and well, they are … to everyone except David.

You see, Eason thinks Cheyenne is just as bigoted as he is, and he"s calling on MTV execs to kick her to the curb and own up to their hypocrisy.

David recently expressed these feelings in what may be the most bonkers Teen Mom rant of all time:

1. Going Off

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

Like his wife, Jenelle Evans, David is prone to expressing himself through unhinged social media tirades. And his latest is a real doozy.

2. Aggrieving Cheyenne

Cheyenne floyd with her daughter

It seems David takes issue with the casting of Cheyenne Floyd due to racially insensitive tweets the 25-year-old mom posted several years ago.

3. Eason Into Things

David eason on insta

“WOW MTV I’ve kept my mouth shut for too long!” David began. In reality, he’s never kept his mouth shut about anything, but the ensuing rant is so amusing you may want to hear him out anyway.

4. Owning the Libs

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

“MTV is such a hypocritical liberal network that you still keep racists, drug addicts and potential rapists on you shows as long as it meets your political beliefs?” Eason wrote.

5. Come Again?

Jenelle eason david eason

At this point, David goes off on a bit of a tangent about his right to bare arms. We’re sure it all made sense in his mind.

6. Locked and Loaded

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

“Yet you are against gun rights which protects my family from those kind of people,” David wrote. Needless to say, this man is worked up.

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