Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Lauren Swanson Sports Short Skirt, Stuns Duggar Fans

It’s been three months since Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson got engaged, but thus far, the couple has managed to keep a tight lid on their wedding plans.

The upside of all that secrecy is that the young lovebirds won’t have to worry about party crashers whenever they tie the knot.

The downside is that it’s got fans obsessing over the couple’s every move even more than usual.

And it seems the situation is particularly burdensome or Lauren, who’s not accustomed to the sort of scrutiny that’s been a part of Josiah’s life since childhood.

Josiah posted the above photo to his Instagram page, and it quickly attracted a surprising amount of attention.

“I didn’t know badminton could make me break a sweat… until I played Lauren!” he captioned the pic.

So the soon-to-be newlyweds got in a round of badminton on his family’s compound.

Sounds innocent enough right?

(Well, except for the “compound” part. That’s just a sinister-sounding word.)

But as many fans were quick to point out, this pic is downright pornographic by Duggar standards.

If you’re familiar with the infamous Duggar dress code, then we probably don’t need to tell you what the issue here is.

Lauren’s skirt might not be short by the rest of the world’s standards, but in Duggarland, it doesn’t pass muster.

Until they’re married (at which point, their husbands decide what sort of attire is permissible), Duggar women are required to wear long skirts at all times, even when playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities.

Fans quickly zeroed in on the violation, with many pointing out that Lauren gets by on a technicality — she’s not a Duggar …. yet.

But she has been approved by Jim Bob and Michelle, and she probably wouldn’t have passed that test if she didn’t share the majority of their fundamentalist values.

Of course, there have been reports about Josiah rebelling against his parents, so perhaps they had little say in his choice of life partner.

Whatever the case, it seems Josiah and Lauren’s wedding might be coming up much sooner than expected.

Despite rumors that the nuptials had been delayed until December, one commenter in a Duggar-related Reddit forum claims to have firsthand knowledge that the couple will be exchanging vows in the very near future:

“I met Jim Bob and Michelle yesterday, and Michelle mentioned a few times that Josiah’s wedding is in two weeks!” the user wrote.

We’d say Lauren better rock those short skirts while she can, but something tells us this couple won’t be eager to fall in line with Jim Bob’s rules.

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