Friday, June 22, 2018

Jenelle Evans" House Is Sinking & Teen Mom 2 Fans Are Loving It!

Saying that Jenelle Evans is disliked by Teen Mom 2 fans would be putting it very, very mildly.

You’d have to go back to Puck on The Real World or The Situation’s coke-iest Jersey Shore days to find a reality star who’s so universally despised.

Usually, viewers tend to go overboard in their hatred of a specific villain, but in Jenelle’s case, the contempt is fully warranted.

Jenelle has been accused of abusing her children through both neglect and severe corporal punishment.

She’s also admitted to doing drugs while pregnant.

And as anyone who’s watched even a single episode of the show knows, she’s generally just a mean and nasty person, who’s horrendous treatment of the people in her inner circle is matched only by her utter disdain for every stranger she encounters.

And this isn’t a new phenomenon.

Jenelle’s been a destructive force in the lives of everyone who crosses her path for such a long time that she’s never had primary custody of her eldest son, 9-year-old Jace, as a judge put the boy in his grandmother’s care almost immediately after he was born.

So yeah, TM2 fans are right to hate on Jenelle.

And we fully understand why they feel compelled to applaud the news that her house is sinking into the ground.

Yes, on this week’s episode, Jenelle and David Eason (who’s equally terrible for reasons we don’t have time to go into) revealed that the laaaaaand they so love is essentially devouring their modular home.

Naturally, the couple responded the same way they respond to every problem — by pointing the finger at everyone within pointing distance.

Evans and Eason immediately contacted the manufacturers of their prefab home and basically blamed them for the composition of the land that the home sits on.

“The house guy in Wilmington is trying to say that we put too much dirt on the land to fill our puddles and that we’re making all the water go down under our house,” Jenelle complained to a friend.

“It was flooded to begin with. Our house is sinking basically.”

“The county requires us to have positive drainage away from the house.” Eason stated.

“You can take that idea and shove it up your ass because my house is falling in the mud. I want my house on stilts.”

When he came face-to-face with the VP of the company, David hilariously tried to threaten the guy with a social media roasting:

“If I got to pay for it … I guarantee my wife has got about 12 million followers on social media,” he said, adding:

“Come back with your checkbook.”

Oooo, tough talk.

Hopefully, the VP is aware that those are mostly hate-follows.

Naturally, fans on social media are downright loving Jenelle’s predicament, and we are 100 percent here for that sentiment.

Some of you might be saying to yourselves, “Hey, it’s not cool to wish homelessness on this woman! She’s got kids!”

To which we say: and she’s been earning seven figures a year for most of her adult life. Her kids will be fine.

Let us revel in our schadenfreude.

Sadly, it seems Jenelle and David were able to prevent the demons from dragging their home back to hell, as Jenelle has made no mention of the issue on social media in recent weeks.

(And you know she’d be griping up a storm if she had cause to.)

But that doesn’t mean her life isn’t in shambles!

A preview for next week’s episode shows Jenelle getting a visit from the sheriff, but she appears to be too “dazed” to fully comprehend what’s happening.

Never change, Jenelle.

Just kidding, please change immediately for the sake of your children.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the ridiculous life of the Carolina Hurricane.
